Activists threaten Ayade with suit over alleged rights violation


C’River govt denies allegations

Activists have threatened Governor Ben Ayade with legal action for his alleged violence against June 12 peaceful demonstrators in Calabar, the Cross River State capital, at the weekend.

Secretary of Cross River Administration of Justice Committee, James Ibor, claimed that the governor’s convoy unleashed hooded security men on them, as they were marking the June 12 Democracy Day under the watchful eyes of the State Commissioner of Police, Sikiru Akande. He insisted that they were tear-gassed and beaten up by the governor’s security aides.

Ibor said: “We have the police commissioner’s approval and they approved the venue to be CrossRiverWatch office. They told us that they would send police officers to give us security so that gunmen would not hijack our peaceful protest.

“We had a good time singing and dancing, but while we were about to take attendance, at about 12 noon, we saw the governor’s special security aide. He passed twice and the third time, they stopped in front of the CrossRiverWatch office and said ‘RUN’. We refused to run.”

The secretary went on: “The police officers were trying to tell them that they should calm down, they just brushed them aside and almost attacked a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) and got us thoroughly beaten and tear-gassed. They blindfolded and planted live ammunitions on us.”

Commending the police for making efforts to forestall the incident, Ibor stated: “This is despicable and reprehensible. I will definitely take the government to court.”

Reacting, the governor’s spokesman, Christian Ita, denied the allegations. He maintained that his principal’s security aides did not go out on the day of the alleged attack. He challenged Ibor to head for court if he had tangible evidence.

Ita stated: “I have spoken with the governor’s security details and they said that no such incident happened. They didn’t even go out yesterday (Saturday). The governor only went to Rice City and went back to the lodge. So, he (Ibor) should identify the so-called people that he claimed are the governor’s security aides.”


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