Actress Rita Dominic Shares Her Thoughts On The 2015 Elections


POPULAR actress Rita Dominic caused a statement to be issued on her behalf last week where she shared her thoughts on the 2015 general elections.  The multiple-award winning actress and producer opened with a passionate appeal to her fans and Nigerians to shun electoral violence.  She said: “We should not murder relationships and in some extreme cases people because our candidates of choice differ. Our diversity of choices is a matter of our personal conviction influenced or otherwise. We all need to know that people have the right to choose who they want to support.’’ 

  Rita also stated pointedly that she would “support and vote for President Goodluck Jonathan” during the March 28 election. She explained that she took the decision because President Jonathan, as she stated, “has affected my immediate constituency which is Nollywood more than any president in the history of Nigeria.’’ 

  She also wrote: “And I have a strong conviction beyond reasonable doubt that Jonathan will lead us to a very good place. So strong is my conviction that we (Audrey Silva, the company that I co-owned with my manager, Midred Okwo) shot a video to support his re-election’’ she said.    

  So, did her company receive any quid for the video they shot? Rita clarifies, “we did not demand or get a dime. It was purely done out of conviction.’’ In closing, the actress said: ‘Please I urge you to vote for the candidate of your choice and let us continue to be our brother’s keeper even when they don’t support our candidate of choice; they should not stop being our brothers because of election.’’ 

For Nigerian Filmmakers Attending Berlinale, Mama J Restaurant As The Melting Point 

Nigerian filmmakers and film journalists attending the 65th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival have confessed that they didn’t miss home at all since they arrived Berlin, Germany, 10 days ago.   

  They said they have found the popular Mama J Restaurant located in the hearts of Berlin as the proper “home away from home.” So when it is time for lunch or dinner, all roads would lead to the former Nigerian House in Berlin where Mama J restaurant currently sits. 

  “We not only eat good food there, but we found the place a melting point for Nigerians in Berlin,’’ said Eric Ugondu, a filmmaker about the restaurant that is run by the very likeable, personable, humble and caring Edo State native Joy Osaze.    

  Popularly called Mama J, with the ‘J’ derived from the name of her first daughter, Joy, Mama J is easily the most popular Nigerian restaurateur in Berlin, Germany. Pretty with brains to engage anyone in a debate on any subject, Mama J started out her restaurant business from a small location on Schienkenstrasse, Berlin, in 2002. With demands and pressure from Africans who desired “home cooking”, Mama J moved to a more spacious outlet located on Donaldstrasse in 2005. 

  The same year she opened another spot at Moritzplatz. But In 2013, the restaurants had to be merged, with the one at Donaldstrasse joining that of Moritzplatz. So from just an outlet in 2002, Mama J’s Restaurant has grown to become the largest restaurant owned by an African and a Nigerian in Berlin. The Berlin International Film festival ends tomorrow and the filmmakers attending the festival say they will take their own closing party to Mama J’s place. 


