Adamawa APC asks Uzodimma to produce Gulak’s killers


Adamawa State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has tasked Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodimma, to produce the killers of Ahmed Gulak in Owerri last Sunday.

In a statement made available to The Guardian yesterday, the Chairman, Ibrahim Bilal, accused the governor of trying to sweep the case under the carpet.

The APC stated that the killing of Gulak was premeditated, and executed by those who had repeatedly targeted Northerners in their region, describing Uzodimma’s imputation of political motives in Gulak’s death as suspicious.

“Since he has imputed political motive to it, as the chief security officer of the state, he should produce the perpetrators,” Bilal said.

The party’s leadership called on President Muhammadu Buhari to use his good offices to secure justice for Gulak,” he stated.

The Adamawa APC chairman, who spoke to journalists yesterday, urged the Federal Government to go after the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and crush the group using its full might.

Accusing IPOB of killing Gulak, he said while the Igbo were freely going about their businesses peacefully in Adamawa, their kith and kin in the South East could not afford similar fate because of IPOB.

The Adamawa APC boss said he expected the security agencies to squarely and decisively address the threat posed by IPOB to the security and unity of the country.

“The importance of bringing Gulak’s killers to justice is because nobody can predict what may result from the killing of Northerners in the South East after this,” he added.


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