Adeboye and the faith of fate – Part 2

That night, I thought of many options; whether it was possible indeed, as my colleague had suggested that some lawyers were patronising shrines and other traditional methods, in the course of their practice. And here I was, jumping all over Nigeria, along with Gani, confronting the military and other establishments, without a single alligator pepper! I weighed my options; whether to seek some strange power

From what I had learnt growing up, these powers come in grades. Suppose I procured my own power, is it possible for me to be subjected to some more superior power from other lawyers along the line? How do I get to possess the most superior power that would take me to the peak and get me to square up with just any other lawyer in court? There and then I was reminded that my grandfather was a Reverend, very renowned for battling with evil powers in our locality. My father himself was a very powerful apostle, with his own church, where I grew up as a Cherub and trumpeter. What then do I have to do with strange powers? If it is true that there is a God that is greater than all, then His own power must be superior to all other powers. In my room in Ebute-Metta, I became acquainted with the ministry of RCCG church through its loudspeaker, but I took it all as some kind of nuisance then. Now in this confused state, I traced the loudspeaker on one particular Sunday and ended up in RCCG headquarters, without any invitation.

That particular Sunday, Adeboye preached on a topic titled “Be Ye Separate”, dwelling on the need to steer clear of evil forces and powers. He addressed the confusion in my mind, so I became even more curious and then started attending the Sunday services because of his penetrating messages. Looking back now, it must have been some kind of divine orchestration as not long thereafter, I became separated from my mentor unprepared and I had to stand on my own.
Another friend and mentor, Bamidele Aturu, was my next port of call, as he too had just set up his law firm, having left Itse Sagay & Co. Aturu took me through the journey of his personal encounter with Adeboye through the Holy Ghost Service at the Redemption Camp and he invited me to join him and his wife to attend. As the service progressed that night in July 2000, Aturu asked me to be attentive as some messages would start coming from Adeboye. Suddenly, Adeboye announced that there was a young man attending the service for the very first time, who was confused about his career and life journey but God is assuring him that He would build him up, set him up and take him to the greatest level in his career. I couldn’t help but cry, as tears from my eyes soaked the notebook upon which I was writing. Aturu who sat next to me held me and spoke words of comfort and we both agreed to take our faith further and deeper. I eventually set up Adegboruwa & Co and became part and parcel of RCCG, going through its foundational classes and sitting under the mentorship of Adeboye and his other disciples.
By 2002, I had moved my practice from my house in Onike, Yaba, to Lapal House, with a well-equipped library and flourishing legal practice. But all this was interrupted on June 3, 2002, when a strange fire enveloped Lapal House and consumed many offices, including my Chambers, such that I had nothing to ever show that I was once a lawyer. It was a Monday, so I relocated back to my house. I, however, decided to attend Bible Study in the church and to take out time to pray. I met Adeboye in church, who took the Bible Study on the topic: “Divine Champion” and spoke about how Samson lost his power and regained it. In a private meeting with him later that night, he took me through the challenges of life and how God is able to see me through with courage, faith and determination. The rest, as they say, is history. Together with my youth corps lawyer then, Mr. Oluwasina Ogungbade, SAN, we went around the courts, retrieving processes and building new files, as if nothing had happened.
In January 2017, I had another encounter with Adeboye, this time in his house at the Redemption Camp and after about 30 minutes of our interaction, he made his now-famous declarations, this time concerning my elevation to the Inner Bar. It was a very tough process but God was in it to accomplish it, eventually.
What is the relevance of Adeboye to our national development, you may ask? The RCCG camp is akin to a local government in a way, wherein a man, driven by vision, integrity, personal sacrifice, self-determination and faith in God, has been able to build an empire, has built men and women of influence and is affecting millions more, positively. He is a living example of true leadership, developing infrastructures to support his vision, providing the basic amenities of life for his people and mentoring them to attain the very best in their chosen careers. Nigerians do not demand to share the loot with their political leaders who fancy that crude method as the best way to lead, no. Our people all over the nation are in dire need of functional hospitals, good roads, schools, security, portable water, etc. This is the phenomenon in the person of Adeboye, as a living example of how a leader, through his faith, has defined his own fate progressively and in that way affected (and still affecting) the fate of many others, positively. Happy 80th birthday, Daddy G.O. I join many other Nigerians and your admirers all over the world to wish you many more years of service to God and humanity. In your lifetime, Nigeria shall be delivered.

Adegboruwa is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN).



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