Adeboye preaches divine protection for security agents, Muoka, NGO flay same sex marriage

GENERAL Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, has called on security agents, especially members of the Nigeria Police Force to put themselves under the protection of the Almighty God because of the sensitivity of their calling.

Adeboye made this call during the prayer programme organised for the members of the Nigeria Police and widows, with the theme: “Safety is of the Lord”, which took place at the RCCG Headquarters, The Throne of Grace, Ebute-Metta, Lagos.

The cleric prayed for God’s protection for the members of the Nigeria Police force in their war against criminals urging them to exercise their duties in the fear of God. He also prayed for God’s provision over the widows.

“You can have a lot of bodyguards, but when disease comes, those physical body guards would not be able to protect you against such attacks.
“Protectors themselves need divine protection and the best police in the world requires divine protection.

“Despite the fact that police are sent to enemies with sophisticated weapons, they themselves need the armour of God for their shield.

“Trusting in charms is a waste of time while trusting the Lord would move God to build the wall of defence around you anywhere you go” he admonished.

Meanwhile, the General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka at the church’s two-day international crusade with the theme: “It Is God’s Time,” condemned the approval of gay marriage by the Supreme Court in America, maintaining that this is a pointer to the end of time.

“In fact, we should get prepared because it is a sign that the end is near. The coming of Jesus Christ is very close. This is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, which the present generation or the Western world is trying to imbibe. It is contrary to the will of God and in fact, it is an abomination,” he said.

Muoka urged religious leaders in the country to pray for the new government, adding that the country requires prayer more than ever before. He stressed the importance of praying for Nigeria and those in the National Assembly as well as President Buhari.

Also, a non-governmental organization based in Lagos, Project for Human Development (PHD), said same-sex marriage is sign of the decline of American civilization and therefore should not be emulated by other countries especially developing countries like Nigeria that cherishes its cultural heritage.

PHD Director-General, Jerry Okwuosa stated that the notion of same-sex marriage or same-same co-habitation is an aberration, an abhorrent to African sensibilities, and quite contrary to the norms of the Nigerian society.

According to Okwuosa, “Marriage is as old as man-our first parents-It existed long before governments, law courts, organised religion, Christianity etc. and marriage therefore is beyond the capacity, power and scope of any of these bodies it preceded to redefine it. It is therefore beyond the capacity, power and scope of the US Supreme Court to legalise same-sex “marriage” by redefining marriage.

The Inspector General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase, who was represented at the RCCG prayer programme by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Administration (Lagos), Ngozi Iloh said despite the fact that the issue of security in the nation was getting better because of the effectiveness of the members of police due to their being sent on training, they still require the co-operation of Nigeri

