Adeboye tasks Nigerians on unrelented prayers for mercy

Pastor Adeboye
[FILES] RCCG general overseer Pastor Adeboye
• Says wind exposing corruption will continue
• We must stop mediocrity to solve Nigeria’s woes, Adeoye restates

The General Overseer, The Redeemed Christian Church (RCCG) Worldwide, Enoch Adejare Adeboye, has urged Nigerians not to relent in their prayers for God’s continual mercy on the country.

He said that the wind currently blowing in Nigeria, which is exposing some level of corruption, could not be stopped, but would certainly continue.

Adeboye, who spoke, yesterday, at the RCCG Headquarters, The Throne of Grace, Ebute-Metta, during the monthly thanksgiving service on the topic, “When the wind blows,” also prayed for businessmen and women, professionals, traders, market men and women, artisans and their families.

He said that with the level of the unstoppable wind blowing in Nigeria, it behooves those that have any hidden secret or skeleton in their cupboards to do something about it before it is too late.

He, therefore, urged Nigerians to continue to pray for God’s mercy.

The General Overseer gave the assurance that there would be solace at the end of the day, but Nigerians need to seek the face of the Lord for the wind of mercy and favour to blow on Nigeria.

Relatedly, Nigerians have been urged to elect leaders with the best brains, highly intelligent, and upright people to end the emergence of the worst people in positions of power.

A lawyer and chartered accountant, Dr Gbenga Adeoye, who gave the advice yesterday, in the face of the current hardship in the country, said too many people in positions of leadership in Nigeria and the entire continent fall below acceptable standards.

“If you do a list of the best brains, highly intelligent people, upright men and women, you find out that they are very few in government and that must change if we are serious about the development of the African Continent. In fact, among many leaders, all you see are sycophants.”

“I am not surprised because birds of the same feathers flock together. Such people speak the same way, reason the same way, steal the same way and even dress the same way. We must end the Kakistocracy to develop Africa and Nigeria. If we get it right in Nigeria, then Africa will rise again.

“Kakistocracy means government by the worst persons or a form of government in which the worst persons are in power. The level of stealing every month in Africa can be regarded as greed turned to insanity. Those who do such are the worst in the society,” he said.

Adeoye, who regretted that allocations to many states were allegedly not used to do infrastructure but converted to dollars for keeps, linked the issue to the fall of the naira against the dollar.

He said: “Falling is even better but right now, it is a stroke. We need experts to change this but if we don’t stop corruption, naira will remain on the floor. People that have no clue as to how to transform their states or country but rather focused on how to transform their pocket and bank accounts are too many in politics and political leadership.

“To change the situation in Nigeria and Africa, we must ensure that well-educated men and women with legitimate businesses are elected into power; men and women who respect the rule of law; men and women who understand that Nigeria and Nigerians and of course Africa and Africans have no reason to be poor; men and women who will ensure there are no potholes on our roads and men and women who will ensure that our schools are of international standards.

“It is time to end Kakistocracy and let us flush out those that are incompetent at local, state and federal levels. If we do so, Nigeria and Africa will rise again.”


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