Adegoke: Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving landscape

Fola Adegoke

Fola Adegoke is the founder and lead Career Coach at Winfinite Consulting, a trailblazing Cybersecurity and Information Technology (IT) Audit training firm based in Canada. With expertise and a passion for empowering professionals, Fola has become a trusted guide and inspiration. Her remarkable journey spans various sectors, equipping her with a comprehensive understanding of career challenges and opportunities. Fola’s coaching approach focuses on individual aspirations, strengths and development, crafting strategic career roadmaps in Cybersecurity. With her integrated expertise and exceptional coaching skills, she gives clients a competitive edge in the job market. Countless professionals have successfully transitioned under her guidance, unlocking hidden potential and excelling in their Cybersecurity careers. Fola is recognised as a trailblazer, sought after for her insights and a nominee for prestigious awards. In this interview with ESTHER IJEWERE, Fola shares the inspiration behind her consulting outfit and how immigrating to Canada four years ago changed her life.

Childhood influence
Growing up in a loving and supportive household empowered me to be where I am today. I was a curious and talkative child with a flair for drama. From an early age, I displayed an unwavering hunger for learning, constantly seeking to unravel the mysteries of the world around me. My inquisitive nature led me down a path of continuous exploration, an essential trait in a world where technology evolves at breakneck speed. Little did I know that this insatiable appetite for knowledge would serve as the bedrock for my future endeavours.

My talkative nature, often seen as a youthful exuberance, played a crucial role in my development as a Cybersecurity Career Coach. As I engaged in lively conversations with family and friends, I unknowingly honed my communication skills, a skill that now proves indispensable in my current role as a trainer and speaker in the realm of cybersecurity.

As I grew older, I nurtured dreams of following in my father’s footsteps, aspiring to be an engineer. Little did I know that this dream held the seeds of my future success. I had no idea that this dream would pave the way for my future.

I have always had a passion for problem solving, a love for critical thinking and an innate ability to unravel complex puzzles. These skills are the very essence of the cybersecurity industry, where identifying risks, safeguarding information and finding innovative solutions are the order of the day.

The inspiration behind Winfinite Consulting
I was driven by my passion for promoting diversity and equality; I wanted to create a platform that would empower individuals from all backgrounds, especially immigrants and women, to enter the cybersecurity industry. I wanted to provide practical, hands-on training that would prepare aspiring professionals for the real-world challenges they would face.

Additionally, the challenges faced by immigrants in settling down and finding rewarding jobs inspired me to start Winfinite Consulting. After witnessing my friends’ struggles to secure employment in their respective fields due to the non-recognition of their qualifications and experience, I decided to leverage my expertise in Cybersecurity and IT Audit to help them cut through the barrier and transition into high-demand tech domains. Coaching my friends and family to utilise their prior skills and experience, I became known as “Coach Fola.”

Through word of mouth, the demand for my guidance grew, leading me to establish Winfinite Consulting as a platform to empower immigrants and individuals alike, helping them leverage their backgrounds and skills to achieve success in the cybersecurity industry. This is an opportunity for women to have it all – work-life balance, a happy family and a good job. Motivated by the demand for my guidance and the opportunity to make a difference, I founded Winfinite Consulting.

One significant challenge is keeping pace with the ever-evolving threat landscape by upskilling and keeping up with industry trends and regulatory requirements. As cybercriminals constantly refine their tactics, one must remain vigilant and stay updated on the latest vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

Another challenge lies in addressing the industry’s skills gap and talent shortage. With the high demand for cybersecurity professionals, attracting and nurturing diverse talent becomes essential. Winfinite Consulting is actively trying to bridge this gap by providing hands-on, practical training, ensuring our students are well prepared for the real-world challenges they will face.

Balancing security and usability is an ongoing challenge. I understand the importance of implementing robust security measures while ensuring they do not hinder productivity or user experience. Striking the right balance requires innovative approaches and a deep understanding of both security principles and practical usability.

Through determination and resilience, I tackle these challenges head-on, empowering individuals and organisations to navigate the intricate landscape of cybersecurity successfully.

How her work has inspired other women around her
My work has served as a source of inspiration for women around me by demonstrating that they too can thrive and excel in the cybersecurity industry. As a highly experienced Technology Assurance Leader, I have broken barriers and shattered stereotypes, showing that gender is not a limitation in pursuing a successful career in a male-dominated field.

By actively promoting the inclusion of women in cybersecurity and driving diversity and equality, I have sparked a sense of empowerment and motivation in other women. Through my thought leadership, training and speaking engagements, I have shared my knowledge and experiences, encouraging women to embrace their skills and passions and pursue opportunities in this exciting domain.

Three women who inspire her and why
My mother, her entrepreneurial spirit, unwavering support and dedication to empowering others have had a profound impact on me. From her humble beginning, she has built a successful business empire, teaching me the values of perseverance and self-confidence. Witnessing how she has empowered individuals to achieve financial freedom inspires me greatly. Her belief in my abilities fuels my drive to achieve greatness, while her encouragement has been instrumental in my journey. Her fearlessness and the ability to turn dreams into reality serve as constant reminders for me to take risks and pursue my passions wholeheartedly. My mother’s resilience and selflessness have shaped my outlook on life and continue to inspire me to uplift and empower others through cybersecurity career coaching.

Octavia N. Howell, the VP and Chief Information Security Officer at Equifax, is an incredible role model who inspires me with her authenticity and fearlessness. In a world where conformity often takes precedence, Octavia stands out by bringing her true self to the table, unafraid to speak her mind. Her ability to embrace her individuality and confidently express her opinions is both empowering and relatable.

Confidence Stanley, the charismatic cybersecurity professional and multiple award winner, who brings a refreshing dose of fun and excitement to the industry through her engaging videos on LinkedIn, is a true inspiration to me. In a field often perceived as serious and technical, Confidence breaks the mould by infusing humour and creativity into her content.
Why she pitched her tent in the cybersecurity sector

I have been in the world of cybersecurity for 12 years. It started when I was an IT Associate at KPMG, unsure of my path. Thankfully, my discerning supervisor pointed me toward cybersecurity and I haven’t looked back since.

I was captivated by the constantly evolving nature of technology and the critical need for safeguarding information and networks in an increasingly interconnected world.

Witnessing the transformative power of cybersecurity in people’s lives inspired me to make a difference in this domain. As I assisted friends and family in transitioning to cybersecurity careers, I witnessed firsthand its positive impact on their lives, opening doors to high-income opportunities, remote work flexibility and exciting challenges.

The opportunity to promote the inclusion of women and underrepresented groups in the industry further fueled my drive. I recognised the importance of diversity and equality, and I wanted to be a catalyst for change, breaking down barriers and empowering individuals from all backgrounds to thrive in cybersecurity.

It was a calling to leverage my expertise, make a meaningful impact and contribute to the advancement of this dynamic and crucial field.
Cybersecurity nuggets

Security is as strong as its weakest link. You can use unique, complex passwords for each of your accounts, and consider using a password manager to securely store them.

Be wary of phishing attacks: Be cautious of suspicious emails, messages or phone calls that request personal information or urge urgent action. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive activities, such as online banking or accessing confidential information. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for added security.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing effort. By implementing these nuggets and staying vigilant, you can greatly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats and protect your digital life.

Being a Woman of Rubies
A Woman of Rubies is often seen as a symbol of strength, resilience and excellence. My journey and the establishment of Winfinite Consulting exemplify the qualities that make me a Woman of Rubies. My unwavering determination and resilience in carving a successful career in the cybersecurity industry highlight my strength and tenacity. As a career coach and trainer, I empower others, especially women, to overcome challenges and excel in a male-dominated field, showcasing my compassion and commitment to driving diversity and equality.

To any young woman who wants to start a career in my sector, I am thrilled to see your interest in starting a career in the cybersecurity sector. As you embark on this journey, I want you to remember a few key things:
You have unique strengths and perspectives that will contribute immensely to the field. Your presence as a woman in this field is not only valuable but also necessary for driving diversity and innovation.

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving landscape, and staying ahead requires a thirst for knowledge. Immerse yourself in the world of technology, explore various domains within cybersecurity and sharpen your skills through courses, certifications and practical experiences. Never stop learning and challenging yourself.

Last words for anyone reading this
Unlocking the possibilities of a career in cybersecurity is within everyone’s reach, regardless of their educational background or prior experience. With the right training and coaching, individuals can successfully transition into this dynamic field with no tech degree, coding skills or tech experience. Embracing a growth mindset and leveraging transferable skills, you can embark on a fulfilling journey in cybersecurity. It’s an opportunity to break barriers, challenge norms and contribute to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Don’t let limitations hold you back  – step into the world of cybersecurity and unleash your potential.


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