Adeyemi boosts healthcare with medical books for LUTH library

As part of its efforts to boost health care system and medical education in the country, Director of Australia Capital Territory Canberra, Bola Adeyemi, has donated 22 medical books to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Idi Araba.

Dr. Titus Ogundare, who made the donation on behalf of Adeyemi, said the gesture was to partner with the hospitals on its mission and vision of research and health care.

He noted that the books donated are to enhance the medical team library and enhance the health care system.

“The books would be of great benefit and if the medical team would study the books, more donations on medical books would be supplied. The reasons why the books were donated is because they saw the benefit of it in Nigeria,” he said.

Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC), Prof. Waisu Lanre Adeyemo, added that the books are very useful to the medical team. According to him, the books cut across several specialties in medicines, nursing and dentistry.

Adeyemo noted that the head of nursing was present and assured them that the books would be useful to other medical experts as well as medical students-in-training, doctors and patients who need professional help.

“It would be more useful to our specialties and the books would be dropped in the library for all medical personnel in Lagos University Teaching Hospital,” Adeyemo added.

He said the government alone cannot fund the heath care delivery in the country, but supports are needed to achieve more than paying of salaries and allowances.

According to him, buying of equipment and consumables is a necessity for a tertiary teaching hospital.

“The knowledge is also very important, that is why we have books and journals and we have invested in getting books from the Australia Capital Territory and we would be making a good use of them,” he said.

Lanre added that they need help from other sectors in funding their equipment and other facilities because they are here for the public.

He said LUTH is one of the most known teaching hospitals all over the world and they need endowments and other benefits from Nigerians, home and in diaspora.
