AfDB Board approves $117 billion general callable capital increase

President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwumi Adesina while delivering the keynote address at The Guardian Newspaper’s 40th anniversary in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Board of Governors of the African Development Bank Group has approved a $117 billion (88.1 billion Units of Account) General Callable Capital Increase for the African Development Bank to preserve its lending capacity and respond to the requirement of a credit agency.

The approval increases the Bank’s authorized capital from $201 billion (UA152 billion) to $318 billion (UA240 billion).

Announcing the approval during a press conference, African Development Bank President, Dr Akinwumi Adesina, said: “The additional callable capital allows us to maintain and leverage our firepower while preserving our rating. I’m grateful to the group’s shareholders and humbled by their level of confidence in the institution.”

“It is a major demonstration of the faith and the confidence our shareholders have in us, and our ability to use our resources well to mobilize additional capital to do even more,” Adesina added.

Bank Group Vice-President for Finance and CFO Hassatou Diop N’Sele said the Bank’s AAA Ratings were reaffirmed by the four global rating agencies—Standard and Poor’s (S&P), Moody’s, Fitch and Japan Credit Rating (JCR)—in 2023, underscoring its very strong capital adequacy position, prudent financial management, very high liquidity coverage, excellent funding record, preferred creditor status and very strong shareholder support.

The rating criteria of one of the global credit rating agencies require the African Development Bank to hold a certain level of AAA callable capital to support its lending growth. Given the recent downgrade of some of the Bank’s major AAA shareholders, the need for an increase in callable capital became essential, she explained.

Inés Carpio San Román, General Director for International Finance at the Spanish Ministry of Finance, Trade and Business said: “Spain is pleased to support the approval of a callable capital increase for the African Development Bank, being the first one of its kind among multilateral development banks. It ensures the Bank holds enough AAA callable capital to address rating agency requirements to face future challenges.

Thanks to its financial strength, the African Development Bank plays a critical role in the sustainable development of the continent.”

Alexia Latortue, Assistant Secretary for International Trade and Development, U.S. Treasury, said: “The United States congratulates the African Development Bank on the approval of a general callable capital increase of UA 88.1 billion ($117 billion). The Board of Governors’ approval by consensus shows strong shareholder support and sends a clear signal to all stakeholders, including credit rating agencies, that the African Development Bank is financially sound, well-managed, and has very strong shareholder support. The United States is proud to be the largest non-regional shareholder of the African Development Bank, and we stand united with the Bank as it continues to be a reliable partner to African countries.”

The callable capital increase will enable the Bank to respond to its member countries’ substantial development finance needs, also given increasing global challenges. At the same time, the significant approval of callable capital signals a decisive response to the global economic community’s call for action by multilateral development banks under the G20 reform and evolution agenda.


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