AFEED hosts Kehinde Ajose at business workshop

The Africa Focus for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (AFEED) recently hosted Kehinde Ajose, Nigerian visibility strategist and founder of Visibility Solutions Media at their business workshop.

At the business workshop held on the 19th of February 2022, Ajose spoke on Audacious marketing, the need for entrepreneurs to become audacious inspite of the COVID -19 pandemic that has changed the way business was being done all over the world.

He said:” Marketing is life.Marketing doesn’t only deal with promotion of goods and services, whatever we do in life we are marketing ourselves. We must be intentional about promoting our offerings, in order to profit”.

Speaking further, the public relations expert noted that one of the errors entrepreneurs make is when they target the wrong audience.

“A passage in the Bible says:”My sheep heareth my voice”.For you to win in the game of marketing your sheep (audience) must be hearing your voice (your marketing message/ content).Businesses fail when they sell the right product to the wrong audience.
Don’t just pitch that your offer to just anyone. Make sure those you are marketing to are your audience. Your audience are in dire need of the solution you offer. One of the ways you can make them hear your voice is by addressing their paint points”.

Ajose further charged Nigerian entrepreneurs to be consistent and fervent in their Marketing activities.

“Consistency wins in Marketing. You have to consistently put out your marketing messages till you dominate your market and niche. In addition, don’t depend on only one or two marketing mediums. Be willing to leverage different marketing mediums in order to win. Marketing is a battle for attention”.


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