‘African culture is based on natural truth’

Born on March 15, 1962, to the Njemanze Royal Dynasty in Owerri, Imo State, Prof. Philip Chidi Njemanze is the Chairman, International Institutes of Advanced Research and Training, Chidicon Medical Centre, Owerri, Imo State. A researcher at the Souer’s Stroke Institute, St. Louis University, St Louis MO, USA, Njemanze, had his medical education in Russia, postgraduate in University of Munich, GUY’s Hospital London, and Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, USA. He was selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to study the Brain In Space in 1995, and developed areas of cognitive neuroscience and neurocardiology. In this interview with CHIJIOKE IREMEKA, he spoke on eroding African culture and others critical issues.

‘My Books Have Created Potential Tourism Revenue Bigger Than The Whole Oil Industry’

In the recent time, we are beginning to see a total departure from what use to be the African culture for different reasons. What’s your opinion on the fast eroding African culture? Or would you view African norms and values as un-tampered with?
I thank The Guardian for having me, and focusing on the issue of Nigerian culture. The African culture is based on natural truth in agreement with the forces of nature. Even when people derail, the realities of life will hold up under all circumstances.

The facade of influence of the inferior foreign cultural tendencies is temporary and transitory. Its failings are already evident, because it’s based on falsehood and make belief systems. It lacks the truth tested with time. The entire so-called western influence is less than seven decades. So, there is no way it will out-pace thousands of years old African traditions. The truth is emerging that the African Cosmology is an unchanging paradigm for setting world moral and ethical standards. The attempts for a paradigm shift have left the world population gasping for air for survival.

Let’s take the issue of African natural gender versus gender social construct ideas emerging from the West. The Western ideology is already leading to the destruction of the natural family and human population. The African prolife theology ensures natural growth and development of the family. The Western idea exterminates natural family development, but on the other hand goes to poach people by borderless migration policy at the expense of other smaller nations. The latter is not sustainable as a development model.

Your readers need some basic scientific information on the age of African peoples and traditions. We know this from the science of population genetics. This is the truth the white will not like Africans and Igbos to know about their origin. In genetics, we use analog names given in the Bible. The first woman was Eve, she had Lo gene. Then, the first daughter had L1 haplogroup gene and gave rise to the Igbo people who are the first humans on earth dating 150, 000 to 240, 000 years.

The second daughter L2 gene, are people of Southern Sudan, who date 100, 000 to 150, 000 years. Then the third daughter gave rise to L3 haplogroup, which includes every other Black African dating 70, 000 to 100, 000 years. The L3 underwent mutation and gave rise to the White people of the genes N and M haplogroups dating 6000 to 7000 years. So, the oldest people on earth are the Igbo people living in Nigeria with L1 haplogroup.

The Igbo at an earlier time lived in Egypt as the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt and developed human civilisation. Their hieroglyphics (ihe e ro e gee olu ife – what you think about when you listen to the sound of things) are Igbo pictographic language and I teach it in my books. Unfortunately, because the Igbo offended God, they lost their place and became slaves in their own country of Egypt and were then called Hebrews. God promised them a land called Canaan (oke Nna – allotment of the Father), also called Nigeria (NGR – Nga Orie – the place of God). They were led down here in the Exodus (Chi e du osa – God led the people) by Moses (oma isi osa – the anointed head of the people).

The account of the Exodus was described in my book: Exodus Part 1. Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life Volume 4. The role of each tribe in Nigeria in the Exodus was described in detail with pictures of the burial place of Moses at Yankari and all the cities of Ai and Jewish in Nigeria. Nigeria is the Holy Place of God where all the events of biblical history took place and I show archaeological evidence to back the claim in my books.

This seems to be a new knowledge as not many people have heard of this in the recent time. What inspired the Temple of Solomon and Wailing Wall?
The inspiration for my book series comes from the fact that as a scientist, I know that no Whiteman can be a Jew by genetics, but only as a convert. Scientifically and factually, only the Igbo people are called Jews (ji uwa – in charge of the world). So, the claim of white people as authentic Jews is just falsehood.

I then travelled to many countries of Europe and also collected ancient coins and went to the archives and ancient churches only to find out that the ancient Kings of Europe were black and as I read the Palace writings and ancient coins, I read them in Igbo language.

Most places like England (nga ala n’ide – isolated land by the river), Scotland (esecota ala n’ide – joined lands by the river), Ireland (ire ala n’ide – tongue like land by the river), Wales (owa ala ose – Channel land by the river) were all ruled by ancient Black Igbo Kings. Similar amazing history was revealed when I researched on Japan and China. The first emperor of China was called Emperor Iyi (iyi – water) or the Emperor of Water. It was Chairman Mao in 1956 that changed the name to Emperor Yu in modern Chinese. I now took a detailed documentation of the ancient rock paintings and deciphered the writings in Igbo language. This opened my quest for the past 20 years to assemble the facts laid out in my books volumes 1 to 5 thus far.

Does this work of over 20 years have any impact on the eroding African culture?
The present book, Temple of Solomon and the Wailing Wall and Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life Volume 5, described the exact location of the ancient Temple of Solomon and the Wailing Wall. It shows with Map precision the exact images and dimensions of the temple buried under the present area of Assumpta Cathedral Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. The only difference is that the ancient temple was 10 times bigger, covering an area of 2km by 2km. It was the largest building in the world, at the time called Rome (Orie Oma – Almighty God’s Temple). The present Vatican in Rome was built in 1929, and was not the original chair of St Peter the first Pope.

The original Temple where St Peter became the first Pope was at the Temple of Solomon in the ancient City of Jerusalem, which is in the modern city of Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Temple of Solomon “(isi e lo ama ana – head that thinks wisely for the land) but more correctly (isi ulo oma enu – the main building of the High Temple) with the same consonants. The book also describes the Palace of King David (Di wu edo – man fair in complexion) at the location of the Royal Palace of Njemanze of Owerri.

The original Map locations were labelled in Yoruba, because it was the guide map for visitors to the Holy City of Jerusalem. City of Jerusalem (iyi e rusalam – evil should not touch me, that’s the evil of abortion forbidden in the Holy City). This copy was found in the ancient Palace of the ancient King of Dahomey, which is present day Benin Republic.

The king was the leader of the three wise men who came to Nazareth (Ana e zere uta oha – land where He dodged the arrow of the leaders) at present day Naze Owerri. All people of the world will benefit from knowing their true history. The peoples of the world have been lied to for so long. I have come to bring this enlightenment to all people.

What evidence, especially archeological to back this claim?
We have all the evidence we need to begin excavation of the sites. We are at the point of conducting ground penetrating radar studies to identify locations of the big structures preceding excavations. We have precision match both with the landmarks like rivers, names of places and families. We applied the precise science of ethnolonguistics. Even more precise is the science of theotoponymy that is, God naming of places cited in Ephesians 3:14-15. All the places are called their original names from the biblical times to this day.

Of what use is this voyage of discovering these sites to Nigeria and her people?
The project of uncovering the Holy Sites of Biblical history will cover all parts of Nigeria in the North, South, East and West. All the Holy sites outlined in the journey of the Exodus (https://www.amazon.com/Igbo-Mediators-Yahweh-Culture-Life/dp/1646203003). These potential tourist sites, experts have estimated would yield Nigeria $30 billion in tourism yearly. It will develop the much-needed infrastructure to rural communities where many of these sites are located.

What my books have created for Nigeria in potential tourism revenue is bigger than the whole oil industry. There must be a national emergency plan to develop all the sites. From the areas of the Philistines and Amalekites in the North, to the Regions of the Gibeonites of the South, the Jebusites of the West and the Israelites of the East… the entire ancient Biblical kingdoms have come alive in one Nation, Nigeria, as the archive of ancient civilisations. This is the gift from God to our peoples. Let’s go and use it.


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