African youths in Dubai blame rape cases, crimes in Nigeria to joblessness

Some African youths resident in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, have blamed the increasing rape cases and crimes in Nigeria to ‘uncontrollable joblessness’.

They said that if the youths are not working, their mind would be idle, a situation they said, could push them to rape and perpetuate other terrible things.

Speaking with The Guardian in Dubai, Mr. Chinedum Udo, who works in the tourism industry, said many Nigerian leaders had failed to acknowledge that the youths are future leaders, establish industries, create skills centres and an enabling environment that can empower the youths and also make businesses to thrive.

Udo said that Nigerian leaders are selfless as they want to lead till ‘they die’ and do not want to create spaces for the young generations to step in.

Similarly, Owujume James, a Camerounian, who works in a five-star hotel in Dubai, said: “If you are working, your mind will be engaged and you will not think of raping, stealing and kidnapping. It is a terrible thing when youths do not have jobs. It will certainly increase crimes.”

He, however, urged the government to concentrate on the youth create industries, fix the electricity challenges and make the system liveable and workable.

Also, a young entrepreneur, Mr. Saidy Isa, urged the youths to be creative and innovative, stressing that they should not continue to wait for government.

“The youths should expect less from the government. It is not possible that everyone will work in government at this age but government has a responsibility to create the enabling environment for the youths to put their ideas into work.”


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