After clampdown on social media influencers, Kano Hisbah boss resigns on Facebook

Commander General, Kano Hisbah Board, Sheikh Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa.

Commander General, Kano Hisbah Board, Sheikh Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa has resigned from his position.

The head of the Kano Shari’a police announced his resignation in a short video clip posted on his official Facebook page on Friday.

Daurawa’s resignation came less than 24 hours after Kano State Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf faulted the new method of operations being deployed by Hisbah against act of immorality in the state.

While addressing Ulama at the Government House yesterday, Yusuf kicked against the mode of invading public places in the name of arresting prostitutes, an act he considered uncivilized.

Yusuf also frowned at Hisbah’s ‘harrasment’ of social media influencers, insisting the board must review its present operations to correct the wrong in the society.

Reacting to Yusuf’s comment, the Daurawa explained that the Hisbah board under his stewardship has embarked on series of activities to correct the immorality being perpetrated in the society especially those social media influencers.

According to Daurawa, Hisbah has done what he believes was right in accordance with the tenants of Islam. He however noted that he is resigning his appointment and wished the governor and his administration well.


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