Agbara-Lusanda Road needs attention


SIR: I wish to draw the attention of the Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun to the deplorable and unbearable state of Agbara-Lusanda-Atan Road.

Shortly, before the general elections, a commissioner in your cabinet assured users that you would soon effect repairs on the road. But right now, the situation is so pathetic that trucks, trailers and containers fall and block the road on daily basis.

Friday, June 12, 2015 (Abiola Day) was so bad that many motorists and others were stranded on both ends of the road because four trucks fell at different points. Commuters got to their destinations late in the night or early hour of the following day. Some motorists even abandoned their vehicles.

People who reside in that area are really suffering from the lack of maintenance of the road for several years now; the road has totally failed. Ironically, Agbara-Lusanda axis is dotted with several companies and multi-nationals like GSK Pharma, Unilever, Nestle, etc. In short the axis is one of the two industrial hubs of the state.

We do not care whether the road in question belongs to the Federal Government or not; all we care for is that the road needs urgent remedial attention as the rain is here and those plying the road and several companies in that axis pay their taxes as and when due.

Our dear governor, we are appealing in the name of God and good governance which you are known for to use your good offices to see that the road is urgently rehabilitated as you have been doing in other parts of the state, hence you were voted for by the people for a second term. You may please liaise with the big companies operating from there to assist in the rehabilitation as transporters and other road users are passing through hell daily.



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