Agency implements performance-based navigation

NAMA-LOGONigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) plans to implement Performance Based Navigation (PBN) at the airports in the country may have received a major boost as aircraft with necessary approval from the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) can now fly into 15 airports in Nigeria.

The agency disclosed this with the publication of PBN Area Navigation (RNAV) Approaches for 15 Nigerian Airports as well as the publication of Standard Arrival Routes (STARs) and Standard Instrument Departure Routes (SIDs) for Benin Airport by the agency.

These airports include Benin, Calabar, Enugu, Ibadan, Ilorin, Owerri, Jos and Kaduna. Others are Maiduguri, Katsina, Minna, Sokoto, Zaria, Gombe and Bauchi. Speaking on this development, the Managing Director of NAMA, Engr. Ibrahim Abdulsalam noted that the implementation of Performance Based Navigation in Nigeria became inevitable as it is in line with global migration from ground-based navigation to satellite-based navigation, stressing that NAMA is leaving no stone unturned in meeting the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirement for states to ensure full implementation of Performance Based Navigation at both local and international airports by 2016.

He also said that “because of the increased level of accuracy, reliability, continuity, integrity of information, overall enhanced safety and attendant benefits to airlines and the travelling public, it has become imperative for Nigerian operators to key in to PBN” adding that “with direct routing and reduced flight times, Performance Based Navigation would enhance efficiency and reduce cost to the airlines.”

