Aggrieved landlords, widows, others protest over alleged plot to dispossess land    

Ask Soludo to intervene

Aggrieved landlords under the aegis of Nkpikpa Phase II Landlord Association, in Ogbaru Council, yesterday, protested over what they termed alleged plot by a developer and a popular church in the area to dispossess them of their land.

The protesters, mostly women and widows, blocked Obosi end of the ongoing Second Niger Bridge Road, carrying placards with varying inscriptions and chanted solidarity songs.

Some of placards read, “Governor Soludo, avert break down of law and order, which immediate past government tried to plant for your administration, “Nkpipa Layout land is not for land grabbers,” “We bought Nkpipa Land as farm lands between 1998 and 2000 not expecting a road passing through it, let alone Second Niger Bridge road,” among others.

spoke to journalists, yesterday at Obosi, alleged that a land developer, with the help of the military in early part of 2022, entered the land and started clearing it. 

Abanobi said when the man was challenged to know who authorised him, he claimed the immediate past government gave him Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) to the land.
