Agric ministry appoints Abo as NCRI CEO

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has approved the appointment of Dr. Emmanuel Abo, as acting Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer (ED/CEO) of National Cereal Research Institute (NCRI), Badeggi, Niger State.

Abo’s appointment was contained in a letter signed by the Executive Secretary, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), Prof. Garba Sharubutu, dated June 27, 2023.

According to the letter, the tenure of Dr. Aliyu Umar as ED/CEO of the institute elasped on July 2, 2023.

The letter reads: “In line with the circular SGF/50/5.H/C.2/268 of December 4, 2017, as the most senior officer of the research institute, the management of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has approved your appointment as Acting ED/CEO of NCRI, Badeggi, with effect from July 2, 2023.

“You are to perform the duties attached to that office with the highest level of commitment as provided for in the Condition of Service of Federal Research Institutes, Colleges of Agriculture and Allied Institutions and other extant rules.”

The Guardian learnt that the directive from the headquarters in Abuja indicated that Abo would take over affairs of the institute immediately, as the most senior director does not brook the few groups toeing the line of sentiment.

Last week, some persons, allegedly sponsored by ambitious individuals, protested and threatened to lock the entrance gate, to prevent the acting director from accessing his office.

Some NCRI staff told The Guardian that upon his resumption, Abo embarked on series of meetings with departmental heads, charging them to live above expectations and mend fences.

The new CEO had appealed to them to bury the hatchet and forge ahead, so that the desired development at the institute would be achieved. He promised to look into staff welfare.

He was also quoted as saying he would strive to provide a purposeful, transparent and participatory leadership that would guarantee service delivery in the institute.

Some union executives, who do not want their names in print, urged the acting CEO to use the opportunity to redeem his image by carrying everyone along and imbibing a forgiving spirit.


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