Air force set to hold iconic 60th anniversary

Nigerian Air Force

All is set for the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) 60th anniversary billed to hold from 23 to 25 May, 2024.

The event would hold in Abuja and Kaduna States, with several activities to be held simultaneously in all NAF bases and commands across the country.

The chairman Organizing Committee of the anniversary, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Michael Ekweme, announced this at a briefing held at Blue Room, Air Force Headquarters, Abuja on Tuesday, May 14.

Ekweme said the Diamond jubilee is not just a period of celebration but a moment of deep reflection on NAF accomplishments, challenges and chatting a way forward.

“Throughout our rich history, the Nigerian Air Force has overcome numerous obstacles, adapted to emerging threats and subsequently emerged stronger among resilience,” he said.

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“There is no doubt that the service has grown over the years into a formidable force within the African continent and beyond.”

He said the Force has continued to fulfill its mandate of protecting the territorial integrity of the country through effective application of air power.

“It is pertinent to note that the Nigerian Air Force has made appreciable progress and significant contribution in the areas of internal security, humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping, as well as restoration and sustenance of democracy in the African continent. The service has also made giant strides in research and development.

“It is rational therefore to celebrate its existence, as well as laudable achievements in the past six decades.”

He said some of the events lined up to commemorate the anniversary, with the theme include medical outreaches, special jummah prayers, special church service, research and development competition.

Also lined up are the commissioning of air force microfinance bank, air display, and 10th African air forces forum and exhibition, among others.


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