Aisha Achimugu’s Ramadan relief: 500 indigenes supported in Kogi

Aisha Achimugu.

Philanthropists, Aisha Sulaiman Achimugu, has given out financial support to 500 beneficiaries during the holy month of Ramadan through her NGO Sam Empowerment Foundation (SEF) initiative known as the SEF Ramadan Soft Grant initiative in the Aloji Community in Kogi State.

This initiative is an act of utmost generosity and compassion that characterize the Ramadan season.

According to the foundation, the SEF Ramadan Soft Grant initiative is aimed at recognising the importance of supporting vulnerable communities, especially amidst challenging circumstances. They noted that the Ramadan Food Distribution Program reflects the organization’s unwavering commitment to alleviating hunger and promoting solidarity within society.

Speaking on behalf of the foundation, Keima Ogunlana, project director of the Sam Empowerment Foundation, noted that such gestures during the sacred time of Ramadan reflect the organisation’s unwavering commitment to alleviating hunger that which conforms with SDG2 and promoting solidarity within society.

Mrs. Ogunlana noted that the financial support can be used to get food items essential for nourishment during the fasting period, ensuring that recipients can observe Ramadan with dignity and comfort.

“We extend our gratitude to all partners, volunteers, and supporters whose contributions make this initiative possible. Most importantly, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our President and Founder, Dr. (Mrs) Aisha Sulaiman Achimugu, for her compassionate leadership and unwavering commitment to uplifting the vulnerable members of society.” she said.

Apart from the financial support for 500 beneficiaries, Mrs Ogunlana highlighted that foundation in a remarkable display of commitment to education also granted scholarships to 21 deserving students from the Aloji Community School.

“Inspired by the example set by Dr (Mrs) Aisha Achimugu, her profound act embodies the core values of Ramadan and underscores her dedication to humanity. Her compassionate leadership serves as a beacon of inspiration for us all, encouraging the perpetuation of kindness and compassion within our communities,” she remarked.


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