Ajebo Hustlers spreads hope with You Go Know  

Ajebo Hustlers

Port-Harcourt-bred musical duo, Ajebo Hustlers, are back with a new vibrant and didactic single dubbed, You Go Know. Produced by Marlie Chunes, the song rehashes the duo’s vibrant energy and unique blend of Afro pop music.

The lyrics highlight the struggle of George Dandeson and Precious Isiah, the members of Ajebo Hustlers, to make a living through hard work and dedication. The chorus emphasises the importance of self-belief, with the lyrics, “I believe in myself, all your doubt Opari Opari o,” encouraging listeners to chase their dreams and embrace their true selves.

Ajebo Hustlers have quickly become one of Nigeria’s favorite talents with their unique sound and captivating performances.

In a chat with Weekend Beats, the duo said, “We wrote You Go Know to inspire our listeners to push past their limitations and reach for the stars.

It delivers a powerful message of self-belief and determination, encouraging our listeners to chase their dreams and embrace their true selves.”


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