Amana urges income diversification to cushion economic distress

Personal Finance Expert, Amb Sarah Amana has stressed the need to diversify income sources, and enhance competitiveness to cushion the effect of economic challenges.

Speaking with newsmen, the finance coach emphasised the need for financial literacy and fostering strategic planning to address economic uncertainties.

Amb Amana underscores the necessity of building robust emergency funds and instilling discipline spending habits, while advocating for long-term investment strategies to ensure financial stability.

Furthermore, she stressed a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, describing them as essential tools for resilience in the face of economic volatility.

Highlighting the strength inherent in community support systems, Amb Amana urges Nigerians to embrace collaborative efforts to collectively surmount financial challenges.

She urged the government to provide economic safety nets for those at the bottom of the pyramid in the country.


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