Ambassadors of Christ


Text: 2 Corinthians 5:20
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an ambassador is “an official envoy, especially a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his/her own government”. An ambassador represents the interest, culture, power, authority and lifestyle of his country. He is an image-maker of his country in the host country. He does everything possible within his power to protect his country and citizens in the foreign country, where he represents his country.

Conversely, Christians are ambassadors of Christ on earth. They are representatives of God on earth. Therefore, their lifestyle must be different and serves as an example to people around. The life of an ambassador is transparent and righteous; He does not join the society in their systems; neither does he join village meetings or any organisation that does not serve the interest of God. An ambassador lives the life of Christ on earth because he represents the power and authority of Christ.

Christ is life personified. Therefore, an ambassador should be ready to give life to the world through the preaching of the gospel. It is an obligation to all ambassadors of Christ to Market Jesus Christ, the King of kings to the whole world. This is the duty of every believer. It is our duty on earth to showcase to the world the beauty of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ. Christ’s ambassadors are to display the glory, wealth and dominion of God on earth. The world is hungry for the Word of God. They have gone to wrong places in the name of church, but their situation became compounded and remained the same.

Ambassadors of Christ are to let the world know that Jesus is a healer. He heals all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. He is a miracle working God. If ambassadors of Christ fail to point to the world that Christ can heal and deliver, the world will fall into the hands of deceivers who will make merchandise of them. Ambassadors of Christ should send herbalists at the pulpits packing, by showing the world the real power of God.

The message of ambassadors of Christ should be direct and pungent, converting souls of sinners to the Kingdom of God. We should let the world know as ambassadors of Christ, that it is only Jesus Christ that can perform signs and wonders. Jesus should be advertised in the entire world, showing the world what He has done and what He can still do for those that believe in Him.

Believers are to let the world know that God’s Kingdom is eternal, and that it is prepared and exclusively reserved for the righteous. The world does not know anything about the glory of God and the beauty of His Kingdom. So, ambassadors of Christ are to show them such magnificent glory through the light of the scriptures.

As ambassadors of Christ, we are to show the beauty and splendour of our God. Ambassadors are well taken care of by their countries. They are entitled to their salaries and benefits promptly. To this end, every believer who works for God should demand for his salary at the end of the month, from God and not from man. God does not owe any man, but some believers are ignorant of this fact that they are entitled to earn salary from God each month. If earthly ambassadors are well taken care of by their countries, can you imagine how God will take care of His ambassadors?

Ambassadors of Christ are to speak against corruption of this world and stand up for what is right in the sight of God. Ambassadors of Christ are to speak against sin and all appearances of evil. An ambassador of Christ that is single must ensure chastity during courtship.

Remember that after an ambassador has finished his assignment on earth, he must return to God Who sent him. Be a good ambassador of Christ!

For further reading: Psalms 78:35; Prov. 3:11; Isaiah 47:4; Luke 2:11;Mark 2:10; Phil. 29:11; Exo. 23:26; Matt. 28:18; John 14:1-3; Gen. 1:26-27; Heb. 11:13; John 14:1-3.

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