American policeman caught on camera handcuffing disabled Kids [Video]

A shocking video has emerged showing a Kentucky officer caught on camera handcuffing an 8 year old kid. The Kentucky officer with the name Kevin Sumner handcuffed the boy at his arm to restrain.

While the 8 year old cries in pain in the video, the officer cautions the boy to stop protesting and tells him he will remove the handcuff unless he behaves well.

The boy who is named only as SR, continues to cry, saying its hurt. The officer applied the handcuff to his arms because his wrist are to small for a handcuff so as to restrain him.

The officer whose enforcement duties cover some elementary school in Convington Kentucky in United State of America, was also accused by ACLU of also handcuffing another 9 year-old child.

But according to The Guardian, Charles Korzenborn, the sheriff of Covington, defended Officer Sumner. He said Summer acted within his rights to restrain the boy.He explained that Sumner went to the school after he was called to attend to complement “after school administrators’ efforts to de-escalate and defuse a threat to others had proven unsuccessful”

“I steadfastly stand behind deputy Sumner who responded to the school’s request for help. Deputy Sumner is a highly respected and skilled law enforcement deputy, and is an asset to the community and those he serves,” Korzenborn said.

