Amplifying Voices..With Adewumi Alphonso

Adewumi Alphonso

Following the release of the 2024 Top 100 Career Women in Africa List, 9to5Chick partners with Guardian Woman to launch the “Amplifying the Corporate African Woman’s Voice” series. Featuring select honourees, today’s episode showcases the story of Adewumi Alphonso, also known as yourHRlady. She is a Senior HR Professional and Certified Coach with a global mindset honed through over a decade of collaborations with C-suite executives and workforces across sectors like Research & Development, Real Estate, FMCG and Oil & Gas. In this exclusive interview with 9to5Chick, Adewumi shares her journey as one of the Top 100 Career Women, providing invaluable insights and inspiration to women throughout Africa.

How do you feel about being recognised as one of the Top 100 Career Women in Africa by 9to5Chick?
Being recognised as one of the Top 100 Career Women in Africa by 9to5Chick is an incredible honour and a humbling experience. Out of 1400 nominations, being selected among the Top 100 is a testament to the dedication and hard work I’ve invested in my career.

It’s deeply gratifying to see my efforts acknowledged on such a prestigious platform, and it serves as motivation to continue striving for excellence in my endeavours. I am truly grateful for this recognition and excited to continue making meaningful contributions to the African community and beyond.

As a Top 100 Career Woman, what challenges have you encountered on your career path and how did you overcome them?
As a career woman, balancing pregnancies and motherhood alongside maintaining a high standard of work excellence has presented its challenges. Juggling professional responsibilities with family commitments requires effective time management, delegation and a resilient mindset to overcome setbacks. To navigate this balance successfully, I prioritise organisation and communication, delegate responsibilities when necessary and prioritise self-care. By adopting these strategies, I’ve been able to thrive both personally and professionally, ensuring that neither aspect of my life compromises the other. My slogan is motherhood is not a pass for mediocrity.

What key ingredients or tools have played a significant role in your journey to success?
In my journey to success, three key ingredients have played significant roles: Resilience, resourcefulness and reflection. Resilience is vital in overcoming obstacles and setbacks, providing inner strength to persevere despite adversity. Resourcefulness enables creative problem-solving and adaptation, navigating challenges with confidence. Reflection fosters growth by evaluating experiences, learning from successes and failures, and refining strategies. Together, these principles have shaped my journey, empowering me to overcome challenges, seize opportunities and achieve my goals, personally and professionally.

How do you think more African corporate women can break through the glass ceiling and receive recognition for their outstanding contributions?
Breaking through the glass ceiling for African corporate women requires both individual ambition and systemic change. Women must actively seek growth opportunities, advocate for themselves and cultivate professional networks. It’s time for us to speak up and let our voices be heard. Organisational and national policies must promote gender diversity, address biases and ensure equal opportunities. Support structures like mentorship programmes and flexible work arrangements are crucial. Governments should mandate gender diversity on corporate boards and invest in education and training programmes. By aligning efforts, we can create a culture that values diversity and empowers African corporate women to thrive and overcome traditional barriers.
