An evening at Ike Anya’s reading of his medical memoir 

Ike Anya

It’s been a while since one was at a book reading, and having missed his earlier dates at both the African Centre and the School of African and Oriental Studies, one was happy that Dr. Ike Anya had another date in Canning Town the penultimate Friday.

Thus, yours truly and a few other fans of his gathered at the London Gallery and Photo Studio to hear the author live and direct as he read from Small by Small- Becoming a Doctor in 1990s Nigeria.

Anchored brilliantly by Obi Nnewuike, a doctor friend of his and former University of Nigeria, Nsukka, school of medicine colleague, the evening also gave the author’s fans an opportunity to hear the story behind the story of the medical memoir.

Besides reading, Anya fielded questions from the engaging and lively audience as well. He described the publication of the book as “a little boy’s dream come true.” He said it’s been a 10-year journey and at 52, he was happy to see the book in print. He encouraged the audience to go for their dreams irrespective of their age.

When he was reading the chapter on “Infertility and Catching Babies,” we were spellbound and also had fits of laughter. It was a tale of a period in the medical school, when they were taking obstetrics. It also included the story of an infertile couple. Though the wife conceived, had a child and was pregnant with the second child, but their professor kept some of the backstory from the inquisitive minds of the prospective doctors.

Woven into the reading of that chapter was the story of a legendary medical student who was well known for failing exams but somewhat passing at the next attempt.

Anya also used the interactive session in tasking other doctors, especially those of African and other backgrounds to tell their stories and develop other skills that they have. “I used to bake cakes,” he told the audience.

In fact, the cupcakes that he baked and brought along were served at the occasion. Yours truly did an Oliver Twist by asking for one more after finishing the first piece he was given.



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