Anambra doctors issue 72 hours ultimatum for prosecution of officer who ‘assaulted’ their colleague

stethoscope PHOTO: AFP

Anambra chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), yesterday, gave a 72-hour ultimatum for the immediate arrest, investigation and prosecution of Cpl. Ifeanyi Okona and his collaborators, allegedly assaulted their colleague, Dr Ofodile Ekweogwu.

It further demanded an undertaking of full responsibility for the safety of Dr Ekweogwu to be signed by Cpl. Okona as NMA would hold the police responsible for any harm on the doctor or any member of his family.

NMA said: “We condemn in the strongest term, the kidnap, torture, attempted extortion, mental assault and threat to life of our member, whose only crime was treating a police officer successfully and demanding payment for his services.

“A 72-hour ultimatum is hereby given for a satisfactory response to these demands, failing which we shall seek legal redress.

“We may not guarantee industrial harmony at the expiration of the ultimatum and shall employ means to protect our members from any similar assaults from men of the Nigeria Police.”

The association issued the ultimatum in a statement issued in Awka by the Chairman and Secretary of the chapter respectively, Dr Jane Ezeonu and Dr Frank Ifeanaeme.

In the statement, the doctors condemned what they called the “abduction’’ of one Dr Ekweogwu, a Consultant Neurosurgeon from his clinic by men suspected to be from the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) on Saturday, March 16.

They explained that Dr Ekweogwu successfully treated a patient, Cpl. Okona of the Nigeria Police Area Command, Nnewi, who sustained head injuries from a road traffic accident in January and discharged him.

“Rather than pay his bills, even after he was given discounts as requested, Okona absconded from the hospital by scaling the perimeter fence.

“He later returned to pay part of the bill and was allowed home on self-cognisance to complete the payment afterwards.

“Rather than pay the outstanding bill, Cpl. Okona resorted to using intimidation to escape payment,’’ the NMA alleged.

The group explained that the harassment started in February when Cpl. Okona, in company of armed policemen stormed Dr Ekweogwu’s clinic and whisked him away.

It added that a superior police officer who learnt about the matter cautioned Cpl. Okona and asked him to pay his outstanding medical bills.

“Not satisfied, Okona, in company of some policemen suspected to be from Anambra SCID, trailed Dr Ekweogwu as he was leaving his clinic in Nnewi on Saturday, using a Toyota SUV (not a branded police vehicle).

“There were four armed men in mufti identifying themselves as policemen from SCID; they grabbed Dr Ekweogwu and whisked him away in the back of the vehicle.

“He was able to place a call to his wife to alert her of his situation before his phone was taken from him and switched off.

“They were in transit for more than three hours driving around parts of Anambra while Dr Ekweogwu was being threatened to `settle’ with Cpl. Okona before getting to the police station, but he refused,’’ NMA claimed.

It added that upon arrival at the SCID, Dr Ekweogwu was made to write a statement in response to a petition shown to him.

“After that, they drove him to Nnewi at night to get evidence of documentation of care he rendered to Cpl. Okona.

“Following calls from leaders of our association, Dr Ekweogwu was reluctantly released at the orders of the Commissioner of Police, Mr Aderemi Adeoye after he was informed about the incident.

“After Dr Ekweogwu was released, Cpl. Okona threatened verbally that he would use other means to get back at him if the matter was not handled to his satisfaction by the police,’’ it added.

The group expressed appreciation to the Police Commissioner, the Nnewi Area Command and Anambra state government through the Commissioner for Health for their prompt intervention.

Reacting to the development, spokesperson for Anambra State Police Command, SP Toochukwu Ikenga, said the police arrested Dr Ekweogwu because there was a petition written against him.

Ikenga said the Police Commissioner had already ordered the release of the doctor and was on top of the matter.


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