Anambra Get Another Female Speaker

AnambraSpeakerANOTHER female lawmaker, Rita Maduagwuna, representing Nnewi South II has emerged as the Speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly.

Hartford Oseke, representing Awka South II was elected as Deputy Speaker.

This follows the inauguration of the 6th Assembly by Governor Willie Obiano yesterday.

Addressing journalists shortly after the ceremony, Obiano governor described the day as very important day in the state.

He said: “In all known democratic history, the inauguration of the legislative assembly is a symbolic tradition that reminds us of the significance of representation in purposeful governance.

“So, with the solemn ceremony we have gathered here to perform today, we are lending stronger roots to our democracy.”

He congratulated the new lawmakers on their election as the representatives of their people, stressing: “Running for any elective office in Nigeria is a very difficult and highly competitive undertaking, as well as a great rite of passage that every aspiring leader prays for but only a handful of people ever attain it.”

He said the inauguration of the new team is a great beginning for our dear state, noting that what stares everyone of them straight in the face is the enormous challenge of governance, adding: “Interestingly, at this stage, our party affiliations do not count.”

He reminded the lawmakers “…that one of the beauties of democracy is the all-round checks and balances that it guarantees.

“Beyond the usual balance of power among the three arms of government, there is a third check, which lies with the electorate.

“In any democracy, the future of the leader rests in the hands of the voters. By electing you to represent them in the legislative assembly, our people have placed a huge expectation on your shoulders.

“There is a saying that to whom much is given, much is expected.

“I urge you to rise to your full height and fulfill the high promise of your office. That way, you will be building a great political future for yourselves and expanding the frontiers of excellence for the greater good of Anambra State.”

In her inaugural address, Mrs. Maduagwuna commended Obiano for his visible efforts at making the state a reference point, in terms of security and investment, and assured him that the House will live up to its constitutional responsibility of supporting him to realise his lofty vision for the state.

She thanked her colleagues for the confidence reposed in her and promised to carry them along.

Of the total 30 lawmakers in the House, 27 were elected on the platform of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), while 3 emerged on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

