Anambra lags behind OGP implementation

[FILES] Anambra
The Anambra State government has been found to be two years behind in implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan.

Despite the state’s visible zeal and commitment to the OGP initiative, its action plan, which was launched to run from 2019 to 2021, was found not to have been implemented by half.

The African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD) discovered this at a two-day mentorship training of OGP administrators in the state, in furtherance of its project, ‘Promoting Transparency And Accountability In Governance Process Through Implementation Of OGP In Nigeria.’

The two-day mentorship programme, according to the Programme Coordinator of Centre LSD, Lawal Amodu, was meant to offer opportunities to look into progress reports, concerns and provide guide where necessary to advance implementation of partnership principles in the state.

Anambra, he noted, was one of 25 states that have signed up to the OGP, and determined to revamp the discourse on OGP and move forward with its commitment to enthroning transparency and accountability, as well as citizens’ participation in governance processes.

The delay in the pace of the state’s action plan, which was traced to multiple factors, including debilitating global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, necessitated rolling over the remaining topic areas to the next action plan.

The Adviser to the state’s Civil Society Organisations (CSO) implementation committee, who is from the national office of OGP, Uchenna Arisukwu, pointed out that packaging a report on the progress so far, would enable the committee roll over remaining areas to the current season.


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