Anchor varsity commences law, postgraduate programmes

Samuel Oye Bandele

Anchor University, Ayobo, Lagos, has commenced law and postgraduate programmes. The institution also announced the establishment and take-off of its School of Postgraduate Studies and inauguration of the first batch of students for the 2023/2024 post-graduate programmes. The PGD programmes are in business administration, computer science and microbiology. 

Speaking with journalists on the development, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Samuel Bandele, said students now have more opportunities to study in a competitive learning environment.

According to him, the university has developed standard curriculum for its law programmes, based on the new National Universities Commission’s (NUC) Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standard (CCMAS) benchmark.

Bandele said there would be specialised pedagogy involving Google classrooms and dedicated online teaching – learning modes and deployment of hybrid and flexible systems for quality teaching and learning. He further added that the university now runs drug and pregnancy tests for both new and returning students.

“The initiative took off unhindered. On resumption this session, no student was allowed into the campus without undergoing drug test, which would be a continuous exercise,” Bandele said.

He pointed out that at a recent meeting of its parents’ consultative forum, the university was mandated to continue her zero tolerance to hard drugs, immorality and other social vices.

Bandele said parents who felt threatened by these measures can transfer their wards to other institutions before they are expelled.  He said as a private faith-based institution, the university will not compromise on the tenet of its faith.

“We have to equip our undergraduates and post-graduate students with holistic and quality education that will lead to unique products with uncommon credentials of character, competence and courage,” Bandele said.


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