Anglican primate calls for national dialogue over insecurity

The Archbishop Metropolitan and Primate, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Henry Ndukuba, has expressed concern over insecurity and instability in the country, just as he called for a national dialogue.

In his address to the Standing Committee meeting of the church at All Saints Cathedral, Onitsha, yesterday, Ndukuba said his worry was due to terror and devastation evident across the country.

Noting that the country was fast becoming a land flowing with tears and blood, he said many people had lost their homes, lives, livelihood and property, regretting that the dead were not counted and adequate recognition of the evil made.

The cleric lamented the situation where predominantly Christian communities were targeted, attacked, residents kidnapped and killed mercilessly while their homes and property were destroyed, especially in Taraba, Kaduna and other states in the North East.

While stressing that the constant siege on communities in the southern part of the country must be checked, the archbishop said the destruction caused by communal war in some parts of the country was becoming unbearable.

He commended the efforts of some state governments in checking the menace of armed herders and bandits.

The primate called for a new comprehensive sovereign national dialogue by all the ethnic nationalities and regional representatives to discuss all issues troubling the country, just as he said that Nigeria needed a new civilian and democratic constitution.

His words: “We need a birth of a new Nigeria where no citizen is oppressed. We need a nation where the resources are judiciously distributed for the good of all. Our present system breeds greed, corruption, anarchy and injustice.”

According to him, the issue of justice, equity and equality of citizens in a free and democratic society remains an issue that must be openly and frankly discussed, legislated and implemented for the survival of this nation.

Ndukuba urged the Federal Government to declare a state of emergency on security in the country for six months, to mop up all illegal arms to be voluntarily surrendered by individuals and groups in the country.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Bishop on the Niger, Dr. Owen Nwokolo, disclosed that the diocese had planted 79 new churches, established 49 new primary and secondary schools, as well as a promising media outfit, Alpha radio/TV station.

Also speaking at the event, the Archbishop, Ecclesiastical Province of the Niger and Bishop of Awka Diocese, Alexander Ibezim, wished the delegates and the host community successful deliberations.


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