Annual Freedom Of Mobility Forum to address planet needs accommodation

The urban view of vehicle light trails on the road.

On how the planet will accommodate the mobility needs of eight billion people in the coming decades, students from three leading universities from three continents: Africa, Europe and North America will guide debate topics at the second annual Freedom of Mobility Forum live debate scheduled to commence on April 3, 2024.

The Freedom of Mobility Forum, initiated by Stellantis and facilitated by a neutral third-party, is an international gathering of passionate problem-solvers committed to fact-based discussions that challenge the status quo, expand perspectives and identify how best to enable safe, affordable and sustainable freedom of mobility for a society facing the implications of global warming.

The students for the 2024 edition will present research on three focus areas: technology, social justice and equity, and business. They will join the debate to offer their research and perspectives to address the topic: “How will our planet accommodate the mobility needs of 8 billion people?”

The event will explore how planetary limits could reshape freedom of mobility from technology, business, and lifestyle perspectives of the forum. According to the organisers, the decisions made now will impact the future environment for the next generations.

One spokesperson from each school will offer opening remarks for the designated topic area that they have been researching with the guidance of their respective professors.

On technology topics, students from ENSA Kenitra Morocco are looking at the environmental, economic, and technological challenges posed by the three major energy sources used and planned for use in transportation. They are studying technical solutions that can be leveraged to avoid resource depletion and those that can enable a more sustainable lifecycle from extraction to disposal.

Social Justice and Equity would have students from The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University United States explore the connection between the decisions being made about mobility due to concerns about climate change, social justice and equity. Their research covers the major factors driving inequities in access to transportation and identifies relevant pathways to fostering greater mobility equity and accessibility for all.

Business angle will have the students from HEC Paris, France challenge the overreliance on private vehicle ownership in traditional mobility business models and practices. They are exploring alternative and creative solutions that can offer more affordable, scalable, and sustainable mobility options that can better address environmental and social challenges.

Cecilia R. Edwards, partner at Wavestone, a global consulting firm, will serve again as facilitator, moderating the open discussion among the panelists and students. Viewers of the live event also will have the opportunity to interact directly with the panelists throughout the program via three dedicated Q&A sessions. More details for the two-hour digital debate will be announced later.
