Anyone that says we’re underpaid ‘needs head examined,’ says Mcllroy

Rory McIlroy
On Wednesday, LIV Golf Investments and its CEO, Greg Norman, announced the LIV Golf Invitational Series.

Comprising eight events and a whopping $255 million purse, it appears that some players have reportedly jumped ship to join the Saudi-backed Super League, with the appeal of a large paycheque swaying some on the professional Tours, reports

One player it hasn’t swayed though, is Rory McIlroy, with the 32-year-old explaining to Sky Sports that those who think golfers are already underpaid “need their heads examined.”

Speaking to Jamie Weir, McIlroy added: “I play golf for a living. There are nurses and teachers and they are the ones that should be getting paid a lot more. So, I just wouldn’t feel right at all saying that I get underpaid for playing a game for a living. Like, I realise how fortunate I am and anyone that says otherwise needs their head examined.”

Just last week, the 32-year-old had already opened up on the PGA Tour’s pay structure, with McIlroy stating that he doesn’t think it’s excessive, particularly compared to other athletes: “I think we’re paid as much as people are willing to pay us, I guess. You can say the same thing about footballers or any other athletes.

“It’s like you could argue that they’re paid too little or too much, but you’re only worth what people are willing to pay you. I’d say at this point we’re pretty fairly… we’re fairly paid. The top guys earn a lot of money, and I think that’s right. Even the guys that are not at the top, still earn a really, really good living. I think it’s a good structure.”

Along with the comments on payment, McIlroy was also asked: “If it was Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk bankrolling a golf tour, would it be a reasonable debate to have?” In reference to where the money for the new Super League is coming from and the ongoing mix of sports and politics.

The 32-year-old would respond, by stating: “I think so, and you know, I’ve raised those points before where you have to know that it’s very hard to separate those two things anymore. People always used to say, you know, sports and politics, shouldn’t mix and that, but in this day and age, I just think with everything that’s going on, it’s very hard to separate those two. So, there’s certainly a part of it, that is to do with that.”


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