aNzo Diagnostics partners London clinic to promote medical tourism

Dr. Oyinwola Oni

To promote medical tourism for Nigerians and Africans seeking medical treatment abroad, NAZO Medical Diagnostics Services, a subsidiary of Inteco Diagnostics UK Ltd partnered with The London Clinic recently in order to ensure uncomplicated medical treatments.

Founded and headed by a diagnostic expert and health support service consultant, Dr. Oyinwola Oni, Nazo Diagnostics’ medical services will be giving Nigerians and Africans the best of services using current technology, equipment, medical personnel and global best practices.

Remarking on the partnership, the Director of the UK-based Inteco Diagnostics who hails from Oyo State, Nigeria, Dr Oni explained that medical tourism occurs when consumers elect to travel across international borders with the intention of receiving some form of medical treatment. “People in ancient societies were known to travel great distances to seek the expertise of physicians and spiritual healers in other parts of the world.

In early modern society, patients would make long journeys to Spa towns, where they could receive medical treatments in hospitals and recover in peace. So, medical tourism is often associated with people from less-developed countries with poorer health systems travelling to more advanced countries to receive high-quality medical care. With this development, patients may also choose to travel to countries that specialise in the type of treatment they need. More importantly, giving Nigerians accurate and adequate medical attention in the UK is my aspiration, ambition and passion.”

The veteran and accomplished diagnostics expert who has won many awards globally in the medical world, further said: “I know most Nigerians seeking medical attention abroad have had a raw deal in the hands of people misleading them to the wrong medical clinics in foreign lands.

“I am committed to ensuring that Nigerians and Africans get value for their money and have their health restored without complications; because I’m privileged to be working with the very best in the world in terms of medical practice.”


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