APC campaign urges release of report on aviation ministry probe

THE All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation (APCPCO) yesterday urged President Goodluck Jonathan to make public reports of the   probe panel on the Aviation ministry.

 The organization in a statement signed by its Director of Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, stated that the President should not sweep the outcome of the probe panel under the carpet, as was the case in previous corruption allegations under his administration.

 The statement reads: “It will soon be three months that President Jonathan constituted a probe panel to investigate the allegations of corruption against the former Minister of Aviation. It has been three months of eerie silence from the President Jonathan administration on the outcome of the probe panel. This is even when information at our disposal gives a pointer to the fact that the probe panel has since submitted its report.

 “The questions to ask then are: Why is President Jonathan keeping mum on the outcome of the report? Are three months not enough to investigate allegation of sleaze against a government official, who is also being investigated by the same government? Does the President expect Nigerians to forget as usual about this investigation?”

The statement noted further that the abiding culture of impunity and the lacklustre disposition to the fight against corruption are not pleasant commentaries about the country under the administration of President Jonathan.

“Nigerians have had one corruption case too many under this administration and it is worrisome why the government will not give a feedback to the nation on a probe panel that the president personally constituted.

“We therefore ask on behalf of the Nigerian people that government comes clean with an update about the investigation into the corruption allegation against the former minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah ” Shehu said.

Stella Oduah was relieved of her job following an allegation of graft, and the setting up of a probe panel headed by the National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd).

