APC faults opposition party over alleged move to rig 2023 polls

All Progressives Congress (APC) has faulted the claim by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) that it had perfected a plot to rig the 2023 polls.

APC, in a statement by its caretaker secretary, John James Akpanudoedehe, contended that it would rely on its track record in implementing projects and programmes that meet the needs of Nigerians to sweep the 2023 poll.

APC made reference to the gale of defections by PDP members from across the country to its fold as indicative of its prospects ahead of the 2023 poll.

It maintained that with more than 40 million registered members, it has a solid foundation to successfully contest and win elections against other parties without tampering with the verdict of the citizenry.

It said: “Strong internal democracy, transparency and fairness in the conduct of its affairs, which are demonstrably lacking in the PDP, are additional reasons that make the APC a better option for Nigerians, including serving state governors, National and State Assembly members who are abandoning the PDP and joining the APC.

“We want to remind Nigerians that while many APC members were victims of rigging when the PDP was in power, the APC has no record of rigging elections. The Muhammadu Buhari-led administration has introduced electoral reforms aimed at ensuring that all loopholes that open the electoral process to possible abuse in future elections are sealed and eliminated.

“The PDP is doomed to fail in any future elections because it is rudderless, leaderless and devoid of anything coherent and organisational, thus making it moribund, irrelevant and too feeble to be an effective opposition.

“The only thing that held the PDP together in the 16 years was access to national resources of which it has been deprived of feasting on by the electorates whose trust it lost during two general elections.”


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