APC state shifted paradigm

Gov. Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara State
Gov. Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara State

SIR: The government of Governor AbdulFatah Ahmed, Kwara State, has been announcing a new tax regime, not so much about tax increase, but to ensure that all who should pay, pay, and that the revenue gets to government’s covers well accounted-for.

I then started to wonder whether the scarce resources will continue to be spent on sponsoring people on Christian and Islamic pilgrimages, religious festival gifts, such as rams, cows, bags of rice, brown envelopes, etc. As if the government was reading my mind, it has just announced it would no longer sponsor people on pilgrimages.

Those who phoned-in on Royal FM, Ilorin (the Kwara State capital), thanked God that the government has finally listened to the outcry against that illegal, un-Islamic, and unwholesome practice. They enjoined the government to stop likewise spending public funds on gifts during religious festivals.

They said, as Drs. Imam Aliagan and Imam AbdulHamid Olohunoyin used to say on Harmony FM, Idofian, Kwara State, that such practices are haram, particularly when the overwhelming majority of citizens are wallowing in abject poverty. Does not any form of politicisation of religion violate Nigeria’s constitution? Interestingly, Kwara State is where the Senate President, Bukola Saraki, hails from. We hope that together with the other powers that be, he would help uphold the constitution towards a judicious Nigeria.

Beyond the foregoing important comments, there can be no progress without peace. President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo should engage Boko Haram in dialogue for peace. They should appeal to Boko Haram to down weapons by stretching out olive leaf to the group. The Yoruba say, ìbẹ̀rẹ̀ ogun làárí, a kìíríòpinrẹ̀ (You may see the beginning and not the end of war).

Where is Buhari’s economic blueprint? Where is his peace plan, or is it only war plans? Will he not redeem Nigeria from fuel importation, for God’s sake? Yes, I survive on magic.

•Pius Abioje,
University of Ilorin.



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