Appeal to the Lagos State Government 

SIR: This is an appeal to the Lagos State government concerning its latest stand on the issue of issuance of road worthiness to motorists. Even though the idea is a noble one aimed at ridding the metropolis of rickety vehicles and limit the number of accidents but the government must also realise that most of the problems faced by motorists and their vehicles are caused by bad roads and the first step is to fix all the roads and make them worthy. The government needs to soft pedal on its latest policy on road worthiness in order not to drive most motorists into depression and frustration.

Most people are managing their vehicles to put food on their tables and it will be unfair to add more problems to the ones the people are already faced with. No commercial vehicles can pass the test except there will be a waiver for all of them. If not, driving them off the roads will lead to more problems than it will solve as commuters will also be affected and it will affect APC in the forthcoming election because Nigerians will never forgive any government that drives them into depression and frustration.
Babajide Oyewusi wrote from Ikotun, Lagos


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