APWEN seeks mentorship, ICT empowerment for girl child

To end gender disparities, the Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) has urged stakeholders to redouble efforts and commitment through mentorship and empowerment of girls in the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector.

President of APWEN, Dr Adebisi Osim, appealed at an event to honour its past president, the late Funmilola Ojelade and also to mark the International Day of Girls in ICT.

She emphasized that championing the cause of empowering girls in ICT, creating mentorship opportunities, and advocating for gender equality in the technology sector will help to build a world where girls do not just dream of becoming engineers but have the resources, support, and encouragement to turn their dreams into reality.

She explained that the presence of female engineers serves as an inspiration for future generations, adding that when girls see women thriving in their careers, it encourages them to dream big and believe that they, too, can excel in a particular field.

Osim encouraged stakeholders to collaborate and pave the way for a future where gender disparities in the technology sector are a thing of the past and girls around the world are given the platform they deserve to unleash their potential.

“Let us dismantle the stereotypes that deter girls from venturing into Science Technology Engineering Mathematics fields, provide equal access to quality education and training programs, ensuring that no girl is left behind because of societal norms or economic constraints,” she said.

According to her, by encouraging girls to become engineers, a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas can be brought to the table, leading to more creative solutions to societal challenges.

Engineering empowers individuals by equipping them with valuable skills and knowledge. It offers a platform for girls to make a tangible difference in the world, contributing to the development of sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, technological advancements, and more, adding that by becoming engineers, girls can become agents of change and create a positive impact on society.

She said: “Girls can contribute to finding sustainable solutions and making the world a better place for future generations. Engineering offers a platform to tackle complex problems, improve lives, and create a more sustainable and equitable society. Also, by becoming engineers, girls can enhance their communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, which are vital in various professional and personal settings. These skills are transferable and can benefit girls in all aspects of their lives.

By choosing engineering, girls challenge stereotypes and help break gender barriers. By breaking free from societal expectations, girls can empower themselves and inspire others. They become proof that women can excel in traditionally male-dominated fields, thereby promoting gender equality and paving the way for future generations of female engineers.”


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