Ar-rahman wins FIEF Academy 30th inter-house sports

SportsAR-rahman was last week adjudged the overall best sporting house at the 30th inter-house sport of The First Islamic Educational Foundation (FIEF), which took place at the Union Bank Sport Complex, Bode Thomas Surulere, Lagos.

Ar-rahman (Red House) came tops beating three other sporting houses of the school. While Ar-raheem (Yellow House) came second, Al-hayyu (Blue House) and Al-qaiyum (green) came third and fourth respectively.

Some of the games the pupils and students were tested included: lime race, weightlifting, long jump, filling the bottle, sack race, scrabble, picking the balls, swimming, relay and 100metres.

Speaking at the event, the Principal of the School, Mrs. Mariam Mansur Williams said the programme was structured to develop the sporting skills, stamina, and instill sportsmanship in the pupils and students.

She noted that education is not just about classroom teaching, adding that the interhouse was meant to develop the physical fitness in order to aid mental alertness.

To ensure that the students learn the basic rudiment skills, the principal disclosed that the school had to engage professional coaches to train the students so as to sharpen their individual skills as well as develop their talent.

The Proprietor, Sheik Al- Mansur Williams said that the school had consistently organized the inter-house sports in order to foster the values the school take pivotal and build team spirit in the students. He urged other schools to take sports activities seriously, while the governments should place special emphasis on the development of school sports.

An S.S. 3 student, Ameen Abdul- Baru, who participated in the 400metres race, described his experience as quite challenging. He said the opportunity also created the need for him to be determined and never to lose hope even when things are not working the ways he wanted it.

He noted that his house started poorly by loosing points at the initial stages of the contest, but picked up later and emerged the second best team. Abdul-Baru who had his last inter-house sports in the school, said that the event was a memorable one for him and the best ever since he joined FIEF. 

