Arch Okoye: Celebrating A Pastorpreneur at 50


THE hall of Golden Tulip Hotel looked beautiful in a golden way. Chairs and tables well decorated were neatly arrayed in circles. The party was not to begin until 6pm, but the hall was almost full ahead of time.  The guests looked striking in their colorful dresses. Only the Chinese friends of the celebrant looked casual in their T-shirts and shorts, except for the head of the group who also dressed in Nigerian attire in honour of his friend and business partner.

Everyone was making small talks while waiting for the arrival of Arch Emeka Okoye, the man who is celebrating his golden jubilee.  Christian songs filter loudly through the musical set at the head of the hall. A couple of birthday cakes were placed on the round table in front. One was covered in blue and white colour icing; the other was of gold and white colour.

 Behind the musical set, a broad banner spread across the wall. On the banner, the image of Arch Okoye beamed a wide smile to the expectant guests. The banner reads: “Priest and Kings International welcome you to the 50th Golden Jubilee celebration of our Co-coordinator and launch of the book “Prophetic Message in Nigeria”. 

Arch Okoye, according to the biography on the booklet later shared to the guests,  is a priest. He is also a successful businessman with interest in construction, real estate, oil and gas, financial services. His business operation extends to China, USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. Presently, he sits at the helm of affairs of Yafeng West Africa. That is no mean feat for a man whose life was once on the brink. He lost properties that is worth million of dollars to the economic meltdown that hit America in 2009.

Okoye attributed his comeback to the grace of God whom he first encountered in 2002. He cut his teeth as a clergy in a small Ministry called Divine Visitation in Decatur, Georgia USA and was later ordained a pastor in the Life Changing Power Ministries, Atlanta.

He left United States in 2007 after hearing a divine call to come home to raise an army of men who would take back their country for the Lord under the banner of Priest and Kings Fellowship.  Part of his achievements is the launching of “Prophetic Message in Nigeria,” a book described by the reviewer as “power book.” 

The reviewer, Pastor Philip Igbenijesu, said the book is for someone who wants to engage with something more than the transient things of the world. 

It takes the like of Arch Okoye to produce literature of such depth.

Arch Okoye hails from Njioka Local government of Anambra state. He attended Awkunanaw secondary school and left for Poland to study Architecture. He graduated summa cum laude from Architecture department, University of Technology Wrcoclaw, Poland in October 1988.

Okoye later sojourned in USA where he acquired experiences in the fashion and financial services and won several laurels for his sterling performance.

A member of Atlanta Association of Insurance Professionals, NASD, Nigerian Institute of Architects, Okoye featured as a member of Who’s Who in America between 1994-2006, won award of Men’s Wear Designer of the Year Atlanta 1994, and emerged as Best producer New Business New York Life Securities Atlanta 1996. Married to Vivian Okoye, they are blessed with three children.

