Army arrests 17 terrorists, rescues 12 children in Borno

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Zulum advises military on counter-insurgency

Troops of 151 Task Force Battalion and 7 Division Garrison of the Nigerian Army have arrested 16 terrorists and rescued 12 children in the Banki/Miyanti/Darajamal axis of Borno State, through an ambush.

Spokesman for the Army, Brig-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, stated yesterday in Maiduguri: “The ambush was to prevent movement of terrorists’ logistics and replenishment, before neutralising three of them, while others escaped with gunshot wounds into Sambisa Forest.”

He said that troops in the 21 Special Brigade area of responsibility arrested the suspected members of Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), who surrendered to the military along with their family members on the outskirts of Aza and Bula Daloye villages in Bama Council.

According to him, the arrested suspects comprise 11 male adults, five female adults, and 12 children.

He added that 27 rounds of ammunition, three AK-47 rifle magazines, and a black fragmental jacket were recovered from the suspects, who were currently undergoing preliminary investigations.

Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum, has urged the military to further cement relationship with civilians
fighting Boko Haram in the North East.

According to him, this will bridge the gap between the civilian population and the military in the counter-insurgency war.

Zulum made the call on Tuesday during the Eid-el-Kabir luncheon with wounded soldiers at the Maimalari Cantonment, Maiduguri.

“We have started witnessing tremendous achievements in the harmonious relationship between the military and civilians,” he said, describing the relationship as very essential “at this trying moment,” particularly of the increasing presence of ISWAP in Sambisa Forest and the Lake Chad region.

He, therefore, warned that a vacuum should not be created for the terrorists to succeed in their operations.

“We shall never relent in our efforts in fighting the insurgents together,” he declared, noting that security is everyone’s business.

The governor announced a donation of N10 million to the recuperating soldiers and ordered that the donation be immediately handed over to the Theatre Commander, Maj-Gen. Christopher Musa, for disbursement.

On the current state of operations, he said: “Your stationing in the front lines is not palatable for you to operate,” adding that the state government would ensure an enabling environment for them to effectively operate.


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