Army destroys illegal oil refining sites in Rivers

[FILES] Army destroying illegal refining sites in the Niger Delta. Photo/Twitter/HQNigerianArmy

The Nigeria Military formation under the umbrella of Operation Delta Safe (OPDS) has destroyed illegal oil refining sites in Ibaa community in Emohua Local Council of Rivers State.
Commander of Operation Delta Safe, Rear Admiral, Olusegun Ferreira, warned those involved in illegal crude oil refining to stop or face prosecution.
Ferreira, who was on a tour to Rivers State, gave the warning in the Ibaa community where he destroyed bunkering sites. Ferreira, accompanied by the GOC 6 division, said the OPDS would go tough on all defaulters and as well continue to destroy all bunkering sites discovered in the Niger Delta region.
He said: “Operation Delta Safe has the mandate to protect oil and gas infrastructure in Niger Delta for economic activities as part of his mandate. The operation is made to deter criminal elements who set up illegal refineries sites. Our mandate is to go against these criminals and destroy these sites in pursuance of the public good.
“We have always sent out warning messages to these criminals and we will not relent in our efforts to carry out this mandate to go after these criminals no matter where they are.
“On my assumption of the Command I sent out a warning message that they have nowhere to hide and we will go after them.”The commander, however, said their task as military men is to carry out kinetic operations. He urged oil thieves to have a re-think or have themselves to blame.


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