Orijin celebrates resilient spirit of Nigerians with limited edition packs

Recently, Orijin, Nigeria’s leading alcoholic blend of African herbs and fruits, unveiled its highly anticipated Limited Edition Pack at the Guinness Nigeria headquarters. The event, graced by Orijin brand Ambassador, Bright Okpocha aka Basket Mouth, Efe Money, Neo Akpofure, and Jenni Frank was hosted by the renowned comedian and compere, Forever (Akuidolo Orevaoghene).

It showcased an array of cultural delights, including captivating performances by the Atilogu dance troupes and an insightful mini-Art talk by Dadee Daniel, the artistic mind behind the new label design.

Basket mouth also delivered a toast honouring the resilience and deep rootedness of all Orijinals. The celebratory mood soared with vibrant music curated by the DJ, further enhancing the lively atmosphere of the occasion.

The launch event was a diverse variety of engaging activities, symbolizing the resilience engraved in the brand’s overall campaign, ‘Deeply Rooted.’ Attendees witnessed the dramatic unveiling of the packs, an awe-inspiring moment amplified by music, lights, and paparazzi. The Mask Art frames showcased enlarged versions of the mask designs on the limited edition packs, allowing guests to delve into the inspiration behind each mask, appreciating the artistry behind Flenjor, Jolly, and Chillax. This celebration echoed the essence of the limited edition packs, inspiring attendees to tap into their roots to fuel their resilience as they navigate everyday life’s challenges.

Marketing and Innovations Director, Guinness Nigeria, Mark Mugisha noted, “we’re committed to telling the vibrant story of Guinness Nigeria and our brands. Yet, nothing compares to the 200 million unique stories of Nigerians, showcasing exceptional resilience. Today, I proudly join in amplifying Orijin’s Orijinality, a brand deeply rooted in our culture and celebrating the exceptional Nigerian spirit. I urge you all to embrace your roots, stay Orijinal, and remain exceptional. Cheers to all Orijinals; it’s been a year!”
The Limited Edition Pack is available for consumers in bars, stores, and all leading sales outlets nationwide.


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