As an Igbo girl, my love for money is higher than usual, says Chinenye Ulaegbu

Chinenye Ulaegbu is one of the most sought-after actresses in Nollywood. The producer, filmmaker, fitness enthusiast who doubles as the CEO, Dioda fashion house, started acting at the age of 23 in Enugu state in a TV series titled “Ojukwu” for RokNigeria.

The actress who also is an entrepreneur, shared her passion for fashion and wellness with our correspondent in a recent interview in her office.

According to her, making money is in her family because her father and mother are serial entrepreneurs who inculcated in them, the importance of setting up businesses and utilising them for the betterment of mankind.

She added that though she grew up counting money in her mom’s shop, each day’s smell of the currency was a motivation to not just count alone but see how she could earn and count them for herself.

She speaks more on her Dioda fashion house and sundry issues:
“I’m not just an entertainer, but also a business woman. As an Igbo girl, my love for money is higher than usual because growing in a family with parents doing business will make you love business as well. My dad loves to make money, he had shops and stores across the country while my mum loves buying and selling. I grew up counting money every day after each day sales. I began to love the smell of money at an early age, I knew then that I will end up counting money for the rest of my life because I enjoy it, not just counting money but also earning it so I can count it. I started making money in my early year in the university as a fitness consultant and coach, I will take clients online and put them in a group chat and coach them on some basic fitness rudiments. I got paid doing that. After some time, I transitioned to creating a fitness fashion brand (Dioda Fashion House) where I import gym wears and accessories from China and sell. My dream is to be big as Puma or Nike, putting my brand name (DIODA) on store doors across Nigeria which is why I work so hard to see that the dream becomes a reality. But for now, I generate sales on and offline which I’m still thankful and grateful to my fans and clients for their patronage,” she concluded.

Her career skyrocketed after her first breakthrough movie when she bagged a lead role and played the character Helen in a movie titled “A Call From The Past”, produced by Uche Mbunabo in 2018.

Ever since, she has featured in over 300 movies and counting within a short space with a blossoming career.
