Ashake Foundation empowers widows through innovation, technology

Ashake FoundationAshake Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Abuja, is making significant strides in empowering underserved women and girls through its innovative programs and initiatives.

Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of ending poverty and achieving gender equality, the foundation’s work resonates strongly with the theme of International Widows Day 2023 – ‘Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.’

Widows in Nigeria face numerous challenges, including social stigma, economic marginalization, and limited access to resources. Ashake Foundation recognizes their plight and aims to address these issues through innovative solutions that promote gender equality.

The foundation’s efforts include skill acquisition and knowledge training projects, such as the Ashake Foundation Skill and Knowledge Acquisition Project (ASKAP). These initiatives equip widows with valuable entrepreneurial skills, allowing them to establish sustainable livelihoods. By integrating technology-based training methods like e-learning platforms and digital resources, widows can conveniently access training programs, enhancing their knowledge and skills.

Understanding the importance of financial support, Ashake Foundation provides microloans and grants to widows who aspire to start micro-enterprises. Through innovative approaches like leveraging local businesses, social media platforms, and e-commerce channels, the foundation facilitates the marketing and selling of products created during the skill acquisition training or other merchandise. This empowers widows to generate income and achieve economic independence.

In addition to empowering widows, Ashake Foundation runs the Community Change Makers Initiative, a leadership program designed for girls. This initiative equips young girls with leadership skills, entrepreneurship training, and advocacy for good governance. By incorporating technological tools such as online mentoring platforms and digital forums, the foundation expands its reach and engagement, promoting girls’ development and encouraging innovative thinking.

Ashake Foundation actively raises awareness about the challenges faced by widows and advocates for their rights. Through media campaigns, digital awareness initiatives, and public events, the foundation utilizes technology to amplify the voices of widows and inspire societal change. By collaborating with stakeholders, policymakers, and other organizations, the foundation works towards policy reforms that protect widows’ rights and promote gender equality.

In conclusion, Ashake Foundation’s mission to empower underserved women and girls in Nigeria perfectly aligns with the theme of International Widows Day 2023 – ‘Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.’ By embracing innovation, leveraging technology, and implementing programs focused on skill acquisition, microloans, and leadership development, the foundation contributes significantly to the empowerment of widows, breaking the cycle of poverty, and advancing gender equality.

Through their tireless efforts, Ashake Foundation plays a vital role in transforming the lives of widows in Nigeria, creating a more inclusive and equitable society.


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