Assemblies of God inaugurates new leaders to drive change

General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Church, Nigeria, Rev. Professor Paul Emeka

General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Church, Nigeria, Rev. Professor Paul Emeka

General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Church, Nigeria, Rev. Professor Paul Emeka, has inaugurated the five newly elected district presbyters of the Abuja Central District of the church to drive change.

He noted the newly leaders to believes in innovation that admonished the leaders to work for the good of the church and humanity.

Speaking at the inauguration in Abuja, Professor Emeka, described the election as “God’s choice” adding that the elected leaders are vessels who would drive the desired change.

The grand finale of the event which was in commemoration of international father day, at the Assemblies of God Church International Worship Centre, Gwarimpa, Abuja with theme, ‘The Father’s Blessing,’ had top church leadership and ambassadors in attendance.

Emeka said: “As the GS of Assemblies of God Church, I came here and I discovered that this branch is doing fine and it is very lively. Their worship is in line with our doctrine and I am happy as a father.”

Prof Emeka, said the agenda of the church is to drive growth and contribute its quota to the Nigerian government.

He explained, “This election is under a programme we call Council Meeting which is done every three years. As for what I am expecting from them, I am expecting them to move the work forward so that people will have access to the gospel, the church of Jesus Christ moving and people will be edified.

“It will enable the people and the church to contribute their quota to the government of Nigeria and align our activities with what the government is doing.

“But at the same time, the government should buckle up because the masses are crying. People are crying and the government should do their best. We are praying for them. There is no need telling the people to pray. The church is praying.

“So, all we are saying is that the government should justify the prayers that the masses and the churches in particular are praying for them and to do the right thing so that there will be smiles on the faces of the people.”

The officials are: Rev. Emeka Eze (PHD) who was elected as the District Superintendent of Abuja Central District; Rev. Emmanuel Omole, the Assistant District Superintendent; Rev. Abraham Odey as the District Secretary; Rev. Femi Omole, the District Treasurer and Rev. Theophilus Augustine who is a member (Presbyter).

In his remarks, the newly elected District Superintendent of Abuja Central District, Rev. Emeka Eze, expressed excitement with the visit of the Assemblies of God GS to his church.

Rev. Eze described his principal as a role model who has raised a lot of leaders adding “The GS is in charge of over 30,000 pastors across Nigeria, the GS taught at least 10,000 Assemblies of God Church pastors.

“Today is so special because today is International Father’s Day and we have the father of Assemblies of God Church, the General Superintendent, Rev Prof. Paul Emeka who came to bless us. I’m so happy because the truth is, any man without a father has no feathers to fly high.

“They fathers are like feathers to fly. His prophetic word has shown us steps to climb as a church and as individuals.”

The clergyman vowed to use the new role to drive change that would impact his members and the country.

Rev. Eze affirmed his commitment to using the gospel to transform lives. He believes the best way to drive economic prosperity and peace in the country is by teaching and mentoring future leaders.

He added, “The agenda we have set is that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached before the end comes. If there is any mandate that Jesus Christ gave the church, it is to preach to the nations of the world.

“This gospel is the answer to the challenges of the world. If people can receive Christ into their hearts, there will be no insecurity, there will be no crime and the leaders will get it right because Proverbs 29:2 says when the righteous is on the throne the people will rejoice.

“So, nations and kingdoms have problems today because of bad leadership and when leadership fails everything fails. So, if people connect to God, God will help them to manage the people and any leadership area that God has handed to them.”

