ASUU Bauchi chapter protests over 15-year unresolved demands


The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, on Tuesday, joined protests across the country to draw the government’s attention to their long-standing demands, some of which have been unresolved for the past 15 years.

Vice Chairman of the branch, Dr Muhammad Inti, led other members in the protest which started from the union’s secretariat on Tuesday.

The protest, according to the union, is staged to prevent another strike, adding that they wanted the government to meet their renegotiated demands.

The union listed the demands to include the conclusion of the 2009 renegotiation agreement that has been delayed for 15 years and payment of the earned academic allowances.

Also, the release of the withheld salaries, and payment of the promotion arrears.

The union also rejected the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).

Speaking during the protest, Inti called on the Federal Government to provide adequate funding for public universities.

He urged them to revert the illegal dissolution of public universities’ governing councils, adding that the union was hopeful that the protest would compel the government to address their concerns and prevent another round of strikes.


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