At 2024 NACAF, gallery celebrates Nigerian children

A performance at the festival

The third edition of Nigerian Arts and Culture Festival (NACAF) was held recently at the Lagos State University of Science and Technology (LASUSTECH), Ikorodu.

Themed, Catch Them Young, the festival attracted over a thousand pupils between the ages of six and 16, and 33 schools from private and public institutions across the nation to celebrate the Children’s Day in a fun-filled environment. Aimed at empowering the children with skills it also introduced them to the essence of one Nigeria.

The festival was also used for them to build bridges. They had opportunity to learn virtues of good living, and need to shun vices such as child prostitution, cultism and examination malpractice.

Organised by Oshodi Arts Gallery Foundation, the festival began with a march-pass, which introduced them to guests. This was followed by exciting games and competitions such as cultural dances and displays.

One of the highlights was the traditional march pass, where schools showcased their cultural heritage and the best three displays were awarded trophies.

Minister of Tourism, Lola Ade-John, in her goodwill message, said the festival’s theme provides a unique platform to celebrate the ingenuity, talent and boundless potential inherent in every child.

Ade-John said the crucial role of arts, culture, and education in the holistic development of children, can never be over emphasised.She said, “this theme reminds us of the responsibility we bear as custodians of their wellbeing and guardians of their rights. Every child is entitled to a safe nurturing and intellectual development. Yet we are aware that many children continue to grapple with various forms of exploitation, abuse and neglect.”

While urging the children to unleas their creativity, embrace diversity and dare to dream big, she enjoined all to re-iterate the pledge to ‘catch them young’ not only in words but in deeds,

The festival also included orientation talks geared towards educating the students on important societal issues such as drugs abuse and other vices by delegates from the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC), and Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Fayoade Adegoke, who all gave talks on the need to stay away from drugs, crime and any activity that would land them in trouble as the consequences are damaging.

CEO of Oshodi Arts Gallery, Dr. Oshodi Seyi Paul, expressed gratitude to the participating schools and guests present.

He appreciated supporters who consistently contribute to the festival’s success, hinting that future editions will take place in the central part of NACAFLagos State.
