At festival, China harps on youth-centred policies, national development

Eight China-Africa Youth Festival.Photo” Twitter

Eight China-Africa Youth Festival opened, yesterday, in Beijing, China, with the country’s government expressing the need to involve youths in development of policies and in the construction of a China-Africa vision.

The country’s Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chen Xiaodong, who represented the Foreign Affairs Minister, stated that such involvement would not only create hope of a great future, but also guarantee younger generations with ideas, abilities and a great sense of responsibility.

Welcoming 64 African youths from 52 countries, including Nigeria, and their Chinese counterparts, the minister noted that the festival was to further strengthen the community of destiny for humanity, a vision so dear to the President of the country, Xi Jinping.

The forum also served as a stock taking opportunity for projects carried out in favour of young people in the past and provided food for thought in the run-up to the Ninth Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) scheduled for July.

The minister held that despite going through a difficult period in history, China supported independence and development of African countries, while Africa equally contributed to the restoration of China’s seat and legitimacy at the United Nations.

With the theme, “Gathering the forces of youths and building China-Africa modernisation”, the festival was organised by China’s Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Culture Centre.

Senegalese Ambassador to China and Co-Chairman of FOCAC, Ibrahima Sory Sylla, commended efforts by China at developing the African continent.

According to him, over 100,000 African youths are currently studying in China, majority of who are beneficiaries of government sponsorship in either academic courses or skills acquisition in a professional environment.

He said the one-week festival was a continuation of the initiatives taken at the Eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, in 2021, which led to the 2021-2024 Action Plan.

“This action plan gives pride of place to African women and young people in line with the FOCAC of the peoples that we hope and pray for.”Noting that Africa had a population of 1.3 billion with 200 million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 and 400 million between the ages of 15 and 35, he stressed that as the continent with the youngest population on the planet, the demographic dividend is both an opportunity and a challenge.

The Vice-President, 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and President, Soong Ching Ling Foundation of China, organisers of the Festival, Ms Li Bin, said she had no doubt that the goals of the festival would be achieved.

Abdu-Jabbar Hashim Kolo represented Nigeria at the festival and he expressed surprise at the rapid development of China, describing the level of sophistication in terms of infrastructure, construction and economy as amazing.

“The festival opened my eyes to the burden of responsibilities on the youth. The challenges of developing our continent rest on our shoulders and what China achieved within 40 years showed that it is possible to change the destiny and prosperity of our countries.

“I see Chinese youths as very hard working, progressive and inquisitive. I met two of them speaking Hausa fluently and with better vocabularies than myself.

“The forum is inspiring and has created opportunity for networking with people of other cultures”, he s


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