At first NCS, FG pledges to use sports for peace, devt

sports for peace.

The Federal Government, yesterday, identified sports as a cornerstone of the nation’s culture and fabric, saying it is determined to use it to engender peace, national unity and economic growth and development.

Speaking at the first National Council on Sports (NCS) meeting in Enugu, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Sports, Mrs. Tinuke Watti, emphasised the importance of sports in the Renewed Hope Agenda of the Bola Tinubu-led administration, saying that the government would continue to leverage it for national growth.

She said: “Sports transcend the barriers of language, ethnicity and religion, uniting us under the common banner of competition, achievement, and collective pride.

“In every corner of our country, from the cities to the towns and villages, sports bring us together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

“We all agreed that national unity is a critical goal for any nation, especially one as diverse as ours. However, in a world that often emphasises our differences, sports provide a platform where we can celebrate our diversity and find strength in our unity. Through sports, we learn the values of teamwork, respect, and perseverance.

“Sports are not just games; they are a major industry with the capacity to generate employment, drive economic development, and improve public health.”

She stated, however, that to harness the benefits, it is imperative to adopt a holistic and inclusive approach to sports development, including fostering partnerships between the government, private sector and international bodies.

“It means ensuring that our policies are geared towards inclusivity, providing opportunities for all, regardless of gender, age, or socio-economic background. It also involves leveraging technology and innovation to enhance training, performance and fan engagement,” she added.

She told the participants in the three-day meeting to come up with policies that would serve as guide for better and improved decisions in the sports sector, as well as work out strategies to achieve deliverables as set out for the sector.

Deputy Governor of Enugu State, Ifeanyi Ossai, who declared the event open, urged the participants to work out transformative policies and innovative programmes that would impact the youth, communities and generally the country to help it stand globally.
Ossai also urged the participants to leverage their collective expertise to address the challenges facing the sports sector and explore innovative solutions that would propel it to greater heights.

He identified areas such as infrastructure development, athletes’ welfare, funding mechanism, coaching standards and grassroots sports programmes as part of the issues requiring attention and concerted efforts.

“Let us strive to create an environment where every young person can dream, excel and achieve greatness through sports”, he stated.

The event, which ends tomorrow, has in attendance, Commissioners of Sports, Permanent Secretaries and Directors from the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.


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